»姓名:田金强 | »系属:油气资源系 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称:教授 | |
»专业:油气地质与勘探 | »导师类别:博士生导师 | |
»电子邮箱:tianjq@upc.edu.cn | ||
»联系电话: | ||
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 1.叠合盆地深层油气成藏机理 聚焦探索原油(沥青)Re-Os同位素定年、包裹体宿主矿物(方解石等)定年、包裹体成分和同位素检测等新方法的完善及其在深层油气成藏过程研究中的应用。 2.裂谷盆地深部过程与地表环境协同作用下的陆相富有机质页岩发育机制 探讨岩石圈减薄过程与裂谷盆地沉降、火成岩类型演变的耦合关系,分析构造沉降、气候和水文条件对富有机质页岩发育的控制作用。 3.强超压环境油气藏的形成与保存机制 探讨强超压(压力系数一般>2.0)环境流体排放机制、油气有效输导路径和压力应力耦合条件下油气藏的保存机制。 ◎教育经历 2008.09-2011.07,beat365官网手机中文版(北京),矿产普查与勘探,博士研究生 2005.09-2008.07,beat365官网手机中文版(北京),矿产普查与勘探,硕士研究生 1999.09-2003.07,石油大学(华东),资源勘查工程,大学本科 ◎工作经历 2021.01-至今,beat365官网手机中文版(华东),beat365官网手机中文版油气资源系,教授 2017.07-2020.12,beat365官网手机中文版(华东),beat365官网手机中文版油气资源系,副教授 2015.07-2016.12,美国地质调查局(丹佛)能源资源研究中心,博士后 2011.07-2015.06,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,博士后 ◎学术兼职 国际油气地质领域权威SCI期刊Marine and Petroleum Geology副主编。 ◎主讲课程 《石油地质学》、《含油气盆地分析》。 ◎指导研究生及博士后 指导研究生12名,协助指导博士研究生8名,其中1人获评山东省优秀毕业生,2人次获得AAPG Grants-in-Aid全球助研金。 ◎承担项目 作为负责人承担国家重点研发计划项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目3项,中石油重大项目专题1项和油田横向课题多项。目前在研的课题有: 1.国家重点研发计划项目《难熔元素和同位素分析技术创建与革新及地学应用》课题四专题2《含油气系统的Re-Os同位素定年及烃源示踪应用》(2020YFA07148042),2020/12-2025/11,在研,主持; 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目《塔北、塔中地区下古生界断裂带方解石脉形成期次及其对油气充注期次的指示作用》(42172160),2022/01-2025/12,在研,主持; 3.国家自然科学基金面上项目《叠合盆地深层油气成藏期的Re-Os同位素示踪研究:以阿满过渡带和普光、元坝气田为例》(41872159),2019/01-2022/12,在研,主持; 4.国家自然科学基金重大项目《富有机质页岩孔隙、裂隙演化与页岩气差异富集机理》(41690134),2017/01-2021/12,已结题,副负责; 5.中科院A类战略性先导科技专项《智能导钻技术装备体系与相关理论研究》项目一课题三子课题5《塔里木盆地重点地区深层油气运聚机理与富集模式》,XDA14010305,2017/01-2021/12,在研,任务负责人; 6.中石油塔里木重大项目课题2专题4《塔里木盆地台盆区碳酸盐岩油气成藏机理及有利区预测》,2019/01-2023/12,在研,主持; 7.山东省重点研发计划项目《济阳坳陷陆相页岩油富集机理与预测技术》,2020/12-2023/12,在研,任务负责人; 8.胜利油田项目《济阳坳陷古近系页岩油赋存机理及可动性研究》,2021/07-2023/12,在研,研究骨干; 9.中海油海南分公司项目《莺歌海盆地中深层大型天然气田成藏机理与成藏规律研究》,2021/08-2023/07,在研,技术首席; ◎获奖情况 获2017年塔里木油田奖教金。 ◎著作 参编石油高等院校特色规划教材《非常规油气与可再生能源》,2019,石油工业出版社。 ◎论文(*为通讯作者) Yang Wang, Jinqiang Tian*, Shaonan Zhang, Honglei Xie, Qi Wang. Characteristics and Genesis of Light Oil in Tabei Area, Tarim Basin, Northwestern China. Frontiers in Earth Science, accept. Ziqi Feng, Fang Hao, Jinqiang Tian, Shangwen Zhou, Dazhong Dong, Shipeng Huang. Shale gas geochemistry in the Sichuan Basin, China. Earth Science Review, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104141 Bixiao Xin, Fang Hao*, Xuefeng Liu, Wenzhong Han, Qilu Xu, Pengfei Guo, Jinqiang Tian*. Quantitative evaluation of pore structures within micron-scale laminae of lacustrine shales from the Second Member of the Kongdian Formation in Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology.144 (2022) 105827: 1-13. Bixiao Xin, Xianzheng Zhao, Fang Hao*, Fengming Jin, Xiugang Pu, Wenzhong Han, Qilu Xu, Pengfei Guo, Jinqiang Tian*. Laminae characteristics of lacustrine shales from the Paleogene Kongdian Formation in the Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Why do laminated shales have better reservoir physical properties. International Journal of Coal Geology, 260 (2022) 104056: 1-20. Fuyun Cong, Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao, Kylander-Clark A.R., Wenqing Pan, Baoshou Zhang, 2022. Calcite U-Pb ages constrain petroleum migration pathways in tectonic complex basins: Geology. https://doi.org/10.1130 /G49750.1. Qingfeng Meng, Fang Hao, Jinqiang Tian. Origins of non-tectonic fractures in shale. Earth Science Review, 2021, v222(11): 103825. Bixiao Xin, Fang Hao*, Wenzhong Han, Qilu Xu, Bojie, Zhang, Jinqiang Tian*,Paleoenvironment Evolution of the Lacustrine Organic-rich Shales the Second Member of Kongdian Formation of Cangdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Implications for Organic Matter Accumulation, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 133: 105244. Fuyun Cong, Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao*, Alexis Licht, Yuchen Liu, Zicheng Cao, John M. Eiler, A thermal pulse induced by a Permian mantle plume in the Tarim Basin, Southwest China: Constraints from clumped isotope thermometry and in‐situ calcite U‐Pb dating, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126: e2020JB020636. Jinqiang Tian*, Jianzhang Liu, Zengbao Zhang, Fuyun Cong,Hydrocarbon generating potentials, depositional environments andorganisms of the middle Permian Tarlong Formation in the Turpan-Hami basin, northwestern China, Geological Society of America Bulletin , 2017, 129: 1252–1265. Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao, Xinhuai Zhou, Huayao Zou, Distribution,controlling factors and oil-source correlation of biodegraded oilsin the bohai offshore area, Bohai Bay basin, China, AAPG Bulletin,2017, 101: 361–386. Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao, Xinhuai Zhou, Huayao Zou, Bo Peng,Hydrocarbon generating potential and accumulation contribution ofthe fourth member of the Shahejie Formation in the Liaodong Baysub-basin, Bohai Bay basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2017,82: 399–398. Jianzhang Liu, Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao, Changgui Xu, Huayao Zou.Charging of oil fields surrounding the northern end of Liaoxiuplift from multiple source rock intervals and generativekitchens, Bohai Bay basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology,2016, 72: 268–278. Jinqiang Tian*, Fang Hao*, Xinhuai Zhou, Huayao Zou, Lei Lan.Charging of the Penglai 9-1 oil field, Bohai Bay basin, China:functions of the delta on accumulating petroleum, Marine andPetroleum Geology, 2014, 57: 603–618. Wenming Ji, Fang Hao, Yan Song, Jinqiang Tian, Mianmo Meng, Hexin Huang. Organic geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the lower Silurian Longmaxi shale in the southeastern Chongqing area of China: Implications for organic matter accumulation, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 220: 103412. Wenming Ji, Fang Hao, Hans-Martin Schulz, Yan Song, Jinqiang Tian. The architecture of organic matter and its pores in highly mature gas shales of the lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the upper Yangtze platform, south China, AAPG Bulletin, 2019, 103(12): 2909–2942. Feng Z Q, Dong D Z, Tian J Q, Wu W, Cai Y W, Shi Z S, and Peng W L. 2019, Geochemical characteristics of Lower Silurian shale gas in the Changning-Zhaotong exploration blocks, southern periphery of the Sichuan Basin, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 174(3): 281–290. Feng Z Q, Dong D Z, Tian J Q, Qiu Z, Wu W, and Zhang C. 2018, Geochemical Characteristics of Longmaxi Formation Shale Gas in the Weiyuan Area, Sichuan Basin, China, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 167(8): 538–548. Yongbin Quan, Fang Hao, Jianzhang Liu, Dijiang Zhao, Jinqiang Tian. Source rock deposition controlled by tectonic subsidence and climate in the western Pearl River Mouth Basin, China: Evidence from organic and inorganic geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 79: 1-17. Qi Wang, Huayao Zou, Fang Hao, Xinhuai Zhou, Changyu Teng, Zhongheng Sun, Shang Xu, Jinqiang Tian, Liuxi Guo. Petroleum charge and entrapment along active faults: Study of the accumulation mechanism of the Qinhuangdao 29 oil field on the slope of the Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 2016, 100(10): 1541-1560. Yue Hu, Fang Hao, Junzhang Zhu, Jinqiang Tian, Yubing Ji. Origin and occurrence of crude oils in the Zhu1 sub-basin, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 97: 24-37. Yongbin Quan, Jianzhang Liu, Dijiang Zhao, Fang Hao, Zhenfeng Wang, and Jinqiang Tian. The origin and distribution of crude oil in Zhu III sub-basin, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 2015, 66: 732-747. Qi Wang, Huayao Zou, Fang Hao, Yangming Zhu, Xinhuai Zhou, Jinqiang Tian, Jinzhong Liu, Modeling hydrocarbon generation from the Paleogene source rocks in the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea: a study on gas potential of oil-prone source rocks, Organic Geochemistry, 2014, 76: 204–219. 田金强, 邹华耀, 周心怀等. 辽东湾地区烃源岩生物标志物特征与油源对比.beat365官网手机中文版学报(自然科学版),2011, 35(4):53-58. (EI收录) 田金强,邹华耀, 徐长贵等.辽东湾地区天然气成因类型与来源.新疆石油地质,2011,32(4):345-347. 田金强, 邹华耀, 徐长贵等. ETR在严重生物降解原油油源对比中的应用——以辽东湾地区JX1-1油田为例.石油天然气学报,2011, 33(7):19-23. ◎专利 邹华耀, 郝芳, 徐尚, 田金强, 鲍晓欢, 王奇, 一种应用地质、地球物理和地球化学方法示踪油气运移路径的方法,2015.3.4-2034.11.24, 中国,CN201410681717.7. |