


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2018-05-26 浏览次数:8912














12005.9~2008.6 地质资源与地质工程专业研究生,博士,beat365官网手机中文版;

21998.9~2001.6 粒子物理与原子核物理专业研究生,硕士,兰州大学;

31987.9~1991.7 物理教育专业本科,学士,曲阜师范大学。






































(25)中石化胜利石油工程有限公司测井公司: “随钻中子孔隙度测井数据处理及校正方法”,2012.9-2013.6,主持;





















1Qiu F, Zhang F, Zhang X, et al. A study on characteristics of background gamma spectrum from LaCl3 detector in pulsed neutron logging [J]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2023, 195:110738. (SCI)

2Zhang F, Fan J, Qiu F, et al. An enhanced accuracy method to determine oil saturation by carbon/oxygen logging in tight reservoirs[J]. Geophysics, 2022, 87(2):21-31. (SCI)

3Zhang F, Chen Q, Liu J, et al. A quantitative calculation method for fracture density using the neutron self-shielding modification and neutron-induced gamma logging[J]. Geophysics, 2022, 87(3):91-100. (SCI)

4)范继林,张锋,田立立,. 二氧化碳气驱稠油层脉冲中子含气量监测方法[J].石油勘探与开发, 2021,48(6):1232-1240. (SCI)

5Zhang F, Fan J, Liu Y, et al. A new algorithm for evaluating reservoir density based on X-ray logging technology[J]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2021, 175:109793. (SCI)

6)陈前,张锋,梁启轩,. 基于微扰理论的伽马#伽马密度测井快速正演方法[J]. 2022, 65(4):1528-1535. (SCI)

7Tian L, Zhang F, Wu Z, et al. A new diffusion effect correction method in pulsed neutron capture logging[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 204: 108673.SCI

8Chen Q, Zhang F, Qiu F, et al. Quantitatively determining gas content using pulsed neutron logging technique in closed gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020 SCI

9Chen Q, Zhang F, Liu Y, et al. A multi-parameter fracture inversion method based on thermal neutron detection technology[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020. SCI

10Zhang, Q., Zhang, F., Yuan, C., et al. A comparative study on the neutron-gamma density and gamma-gamma density logging. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 176: 792-799. SCI

11Quanying ZhangFeng ZhangJuntao LiuXinguang WangQian ChenLiang Zhao, Lili Tian, YangWang. A method for identifying the thin layer using the wavelet transform of density logging data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering , 2018,160:433-441.SCI

12Tian L, Zhang F, Liu J, et al. Monte Carlo simulation of Cu, Ni and Fe grade determination in borehole by PGNAA technique[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2018, 315(1): 51-56. SCI

13Zhang, Q., Zhang, F., Gardner, R. P., et al. A method for determining density based on gamma ray and fast neutron detection using a Cs2LiYCl6 detector in neutron-gamma density logging. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2018, 142: 77-84.SCI

14Zhang, F., Zhang, Q., Gardner, R. P., et al. Quantitative monitoring of CO2 sequestration using thermal neutron detection technique in heavy oil reservoirs.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2018, 79: 154-164. SCI

15Tian L, Zhang F, Wang X, et al. Logging method for formation water salinity determination by PGNAA technology[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2018, 318(2): 1143-1149. SCI

16Zhang Q, Zhang F, Liu J, et al. A Method of Determining Formation Density Based on Fast-Neutron Gamma Coupled Field Theory[J]. Petrophysics, 2017,58(04): 411-425.SCI

17FengZhangQuanying ZhangJuntao LiuXinguang WangHe WuWenbao Jia, Yongzhou Ti, Fei Qiu, Xiaoyang Zhang, A method to describe inelastic gamma field distribution in neutron gamma density logging. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2017, 129:189-195.SCI

18FengZhang, HeWu, Xinguang Wang, Guoli Wu,Wenbao Jia ,Yongzhou Ti. Compact shielding design of a portable 241Am–Be source. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2017, 128: 49-54.SCI

19HeWu, FengZhang, Hongbo Guo, YiXin, Zhongyue Han .Impact of focused gamma ray beam angle on the response of density logging tool. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 123 (2017) 102–108.SCI

20Zhang F, Tian L, Liu J, et al. Numerical simulation on scintillator detector response for determining element content in PGNAA system[J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2017, 311(2): 1309-1314.SCI

21Juntao Liu ,Feng Zhang ,Robin P.Gardner, Guojing Hou, Quanying Zhang, Yan Zhang,XianghuiLi ,HuLi,CongHu .A method to improve the sensitivity of neutron porosity measurement based on DT source. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 33: 879-884.SCI

22C Yuan, C Zhou, F Zhang,S Hu, C Li. A novel method for quantitative geosteering using azimuthal gamma-ray logging. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2015, 96: 63-70.SCI

23Liu J, Zhang F, Gardner R P, et al. A method to evaluate hydraulic fracture using proppant detection[J]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2015, 105: 139-143. SCI

24J Liu, F Zhang, X Wang, F Han, Z Yuan. Numerical study on determining formation porosity using a boron capture gamma ray technique and MCNP. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2014, 94: 266-271.SCI

25Feng Z, Jun-tao L. Monte Carlo simulation of PGNAA system for determining element content in the rock sample. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014, 299(3): 1219-1224.SCI

26Zhang F, Liu J, Yuan C. Monte Carlo simulation for determining gas saturation using three-detector pulsed neutron logging technology in tight gas reservoir and its application. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2013, 78: 51-56.SCI

27)张锋,袁超, 王新光. 脉冲中子双伽马谱饱和度测井方法及数值模拟研究[J].地球物理学报, 2010, 53(10): 2527-2533.SCI

28)张锋, 徐建平, 胡玲妹, . PNN 测井方法的蒙特卡罗模拟结果研究[J]. 地球物理学报,2007, 50(6): 1924-1930.SCI

29)张锋,孔祥忠.14MeV中子引起的Pb(n,x)203Hg,W(n,x)182TaW(n,x)183Ta的核反应截面测量[J].高能物理与核物理, 2003, 27(1): 28-30.SCI

30)张锋, 孔祥忠, 蒲忠胜, .14MeV中子引起的185Re (n, 2n)184g, mRe191Ir (n, 2n) 190Ir的核反应截面测量[J].高能物理与核物理, 2002, 26(7): 678-682.SCI

31)邱飞,张锋,张慧,.利用背散射伽马射线确定套管厚度的模拟研究[J]. 2022, 46(5):59-65. (EI)

32)陈前, 张锋, 张泉滢, . 基于热中子探测评价裂缝的示踪剂特性研究[J]. beat365官网手机中文版学报: 自然科学版, 2020, 44(2): 52-57.EI


34)张锋,李亚芬,信毅,苏波,吴赫,张泉滢,刘军涛。基于X射线和伽马源的密度测井数值模拟研究[J]. beat365官网手机中文版学报: 自然科学版,2018,42(1): 60-66.EI

35)张泉滢, 张锋, 王玉伟, . 随钴中子伽马密度测井的双源距含氢指数校正方法[J]. beat365官网手机中文版学报: 自然科学版, 2017, 41(4): 78-84.EI

36)刘军涛, 张锋, 张泉滢, . 低孔隙度储层碳氧比测井灵敏度提高方法[J]. beat365官网手机中文版学报: 自然科学版, 2016, 40(6): 57-62.EI

37)张锋,田立立,刘军涛,. 地层元素测井中探测器响应数值模拟研究[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2016, 50(11):   2067-2074.EI

38)张锋, 袁超, 刘军涛, . 随钻脉冲中子伽马密度测井响应数值模拟[J].地球科学(中国地质大学学报),2013, 5:024.EI

39Feng Z, Chao Y, Juntao L, et al. Simulation on the method of determining remaining oil saturation by measuring dual pulsed neutron parameters. SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2011.EI

40)张锋, 董经利, 贾岩,.水平井随钻C/O能谱测井影响因素的蒙特卡罗模拟研究[J].石油勘探与开发,2010,37(4):2-0.EI


42)张锋, 王新光. 脉冲中子-中子测井影响因素的数值模拟[J]. beat365官网手机中文版学报: 自然科学版, 2009, 33(6): 46-51.EI

43)张锋, 王新光. 脉冲中子全能谱测井闪烁探测器响应特性的蒙特卡罗模拟[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2009, 43(1): 90-96.EI

44)张锋, 张高龙. 蒙特卡罗方法在中子活化在线分析系统设计中的应用[J]. 原子能科学技术, 2006, 40(4): 480-485.EI)(45)张锋,首祥云,张绚华.碳氧比能谱测井中能谱及探测器响应的数值模拟[J].石油大学学报:自然科学版,2005,29(2):34-37.EI

46)张锋, 孔祥忠. 几个(n, 2n) 核反应激发函数的评价[J]. 石油大学学报: 自然科学版, 2003, 27(2): 128-131.EI



1Zhang H, Zhang F, Qiu F, et al. A Method for Determining Formation Porosity From Gamma Ray Energy and Time Spectrum Induced by Pulsed Neutron in Cased Well. SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, 2023.

2Liang Q, Zhang F, Zhang H, et al. A Novel Oil Saturation Evaluation Method by Using Double Particle Detector Cs2LiYCl6:Ce(CLYC). SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, 2023.

3Liu Z, Zhang F, Zhang X, et al. A New Method to Improve the Calculation Accuracy of Element Content in Natural Gamma Spectrometry Logging While Drilling. SPWLA 64th Annual Logging Symposium, 2023.

4Liu Z, Zhang F, Liang X, et al. A New Uranium Imaging Technique Based on Four-Detector LWD Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Logging Apparatus. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

5Fan J, Zhang F, Tian L, et al. A Monitoring CO2 Method by the Dual Cross Section Pulsed Neutron Logging Technology in Heavy Oil Reservoirs. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

6Liang Q, Zhang F, Fan J, et al. A Novel Gamma-Thermal Neutron Evaluating Gas Saturation Method Using Pulsed Neutron Logging Tool With Dual-CLYC. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

7Qiu F, Zhang F, Liu Z, et al. Machine Learning for Determining Remaining Oil Saturation Based On C/O Spectral Logging in Multilayer String Cased Well. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

8Zhang F, Zhang H, Qiu F, et al. A Quantitatively Determining Gas Saturation Method Using Pulsed-Neutron Element Logging in Tight Gas Reservoirs. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

9Fan J, Zhang F, Chen X, et al. A Well Cementation Evaluation Method by the Azimuthal Gamma Combination With the Acoustic Logging in Horizontal Well. SPWLA 63rd Annual Logging Symposium, 2022.

10Zhang F, Qiu F, Fang Q, et al. An Accurately Determining Porosity Method from Pulsed-Neutron Element Logging in Unconventional Reservoirs. SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, 2021.

11Liang Q, Zhang F, Zhang X, et al. Can a New Double Particle Detector-CLYC (Cs2LiYCl6: Ce) Be Used in PN Logging for Tight Gas Evaluation? SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, 2021.

12Chen Q, Zhang F, Tian L, et al. An Enhanced Method for Crack Evaluation Utilizing Neutron Gamma Tracer Imaging Logging Technology in Carbonate Reservoir. SPWLA 62nd Annual Logging Symposium, 2021.

13Zhang F, Zhang Q, Tian L, et al. Monitoring CO2 Saturation Using Three-Detector PNC Logging Technique for CO 2 EOR in Heavy Oil Reservoir. SPWLA 60th Annual Logging Symposium, 2019.

14Tian L, Zhang F, Zhang Q, et al. A Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Logging Method for Determining Formation Water Salinity. SPWLA 60th Annual Logging Symposium, 2019.

15Chen Q, Zhang F, Liu J, et al. A New Borehole Gamma Ray Imaging Method To Determine Hydraulic Fracture Using Gd Neutron Tracer Logging. SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, 2017.

16Liu J, Zhang F, Zhou C, et al. Methods for evaluating elemental concentration and gas saturation by a three-detector pulsed-neutron well-logging tool. SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, 2017.



1)张锋;陈前;张笑瑒;田立立;邱飞.一种基于中子活化分析自屏蔽校正的裂缝密度定量计算方法.   ZL202011275616.1,中国.


3)张锋;范继林;田立立;陈前;张笑瑒.一种基于脉冲中子测井的快中子散射截面表征方法. ZL202010571427.2,中国.

4)张锋;邱飞;陈前;田立立.一种用于氯化镧探测器测量本底扣除的方法. ZL202010545573.8,中国.

5)张锋;范继林;陈前;宋灏辰.一种基于牛顿迭代法的密度测井六参数反演计算方法. ZL202010912748.4,中国.

6)张锋;邱飞;田立立;陈前.一种基于硼中子俘获的井下套管损伤探测方法. ZL202011143534.1,中国.

7)张锋;邱飞;张慧;范继林.一种元素产额与热中子计数比组合的孔隙度测量方法. ZL202110398026.6,中国.

8)张锋;田立立;李亚芬;王阳;赵靓;邱飞;陈前.一种基于X射线源的密度测井方法. ZL201810033536.1,中国.


10)张锋;张泉滢;刘军涛;陈前;田立立.一种基于新型n-γ双粒子探测器的中子伽马密度测井方法. ZL201710608808.1,中国.

11)张锋;邱飞;赵靓;田立立;陈前.一种利用元素伽马能谱测井识别气层的方法. ZL201811323041.9,中国.











22)张锋;袁超. 一种方位伽马测量方法及设备.ZL201210167670.3,中国.

23)张锋;袁超;刘军涛. 一种用于致密气藏评价的脉冲中子测井方法及设备.ZL201210168075.1,中国.

24)张锋;袁超;刘军涛. 基于可控中子源的随钻多参数测井方法,ZL201110439082.6,中国




