


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2018-05-26 浏览次数:31923







































1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,42230803,高温高压介质弹性波传播的关键科学问题研究,2023/01-2027/12,在研,主持;

2. 高等学校学科创新引智基地(111引智基地),B18055,深层-超深层油气地球物理勘探,2018/01-2022/12,在研,主持;

3. 中科院战略先导专项(A类)子课题,XDA14010303,深层输导体系地球物理预测技术,2017/06-2021/12,在研,主持;

4. 国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目,41720104006,周边板块持续挤压作用下的华南板块内部结构的相互作用:与澳大利亚中部的比较研究,2018/01-2022/12,在研,主持;

5. 十三五国家重大专项子课题,2016ZX05026-001-002,宽方位犁式缆鬼波压制技术研究,2016/01-2019/12,结题,主持;

6. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)课题,XDB10010400,页岩气甜点区的地球物理预测方法,2014/01-2018/12,结题,主持;

7. 863计划主题项目,2013AA064202,现代三维地震观测系统设计技术及软件系统开发,2013/01-2016/12,结题,主持;

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41130418,复杂构造地震成像中的关键科学问题研究,2012/01-2016/12,结题,主持;

9. 十二五国家重大专项子课题,2011ZX05023-005-010,复杂模型地震采集、处理和反演技术的集成和关键技术的研发,2011/01-2015/12,结题,主持;


11. 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金,40925013,勘探地震学,2009/01-2011/12,结题,主持;




2、《复杂断块油藏高角度地震波目标导向采集成像关键技术创新与应用》,中国石油和化学工业联合会   科技进步一等奖(1/152020年)












1.    Zhang Y., Manga M., Li-Yun Fu, Zhang H., Huang T.M., Yang Q.Y., Cui Z.D., Qi S.W., and Huang Y. Long- and short-term effects of seismic waves and co-seismic pressure changes on fractured aquifers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2024, DOI: 10.1029/2023JB027970.

2.     Li N.Q., Morozov I.B., Li-Yun Fu, Deng W.B. Unified nonlinear elasto-visco-plastic rheology for bituminous rocks at variable pressure and temperature. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2024,2024JB029295.

3.     Fu B.Y. and Li-Yun Fu. Acoustoelastic DZ-MT model for stress-dependent elastic moduli of fractured rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 174, 2024, 105649. DOI10.1016/j.ijrmms.2024.105649.

4.     Fu B.Y. and Li-Yun Fu. Anisotropic acoustoelastic effective-medium model for stress-dependent elastic moduli of fractured rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 174, 2024, 105979. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2024.105979.

5.     Yang J., Li-Yun Fu, Han T.C.,DengW.B, andFu B.Y. Thermoacoustoelasticity for elastic wave propagation in preheated and prestressed solid rocks.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024, RMRE-D-24-01158.

6.     Yunfei Ye, Li-Yun Fu, Mi L.J., Chen C.C., Jiao Z.H., Gu H.M., and Wu Y. Wide-azimuth broadband 3D seismic acquisition and imaging by variable-depth plough streamers for deepwater oil and gas. Science China Earth Science, 2024, in press.

7.      Li-Yun Fu, Yang H.D., Fu B.Y., and Müller T.M. Effective media models for wave propagation in prestressed fractured rocks with nonlinear elastic and hyperelastic deformations. TechRxiv, Preprint, 2024. DOI:  10.36227/techrxiv.171207488.83541017/v1.

8.     Cheng Y.F., Li-Yun Fu, Hou W.T., Carcione J.M., Deng W.B., and Wang Z.W. Thermo-poroelastic AVO modeling of Olkaria geothermal reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, 241, 213166. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoen.2024.213166.

9.     Zheng H.C., Li-Yun Fu, Yang H.D., Fu B.Y., and DengW.B. Padé acoustoporoelasticity for 3D wave propagation in prestressed porous rocks with inelastic deformations.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 61, 4503813. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3369173.

10.    Han T.C., Wang X.Y., and Li-Yun Fu. Variation of fracture parameters with pore pressure and its effects on the anisotropic electrical properties of fractured rocks. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62, 5912811. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3392773.

11.    Li-Yun Fu, Tang C., Wei W., and Du Q.Z. Data-driven double-focusing resolution analyses for seismic imaging. Geophysics, 2024, 89(4), DOI: 10.1190/GEO2023-0064.1.

12.    Yang H.D., Li-Yun Fu, Müller T.M., and Fu B.Y. Stress-dependent reflection and transmission of elastic waves under confining, uniaxial, and pure shear prestresses. Geophysics, 2024, 89(4), T163-T182. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2023-0620.1.

13.    Hou W.T., Li-Yun Fu, and Carcione J.M. Reflection, transmission and AVO response of inhomogeneous plane waves in thermoporoelastic media with two-temperature equations of heat conduction. Geophysics, 2024, 89(5), MR297–MR307. DOI:10.1190/GEO2023-0625.1.

14.    Liu H.W., Luo Y., Liu Y.J., and Li-Yun Fu. Fast computation of local dips using the one-lag-correlation method. Geophysics, 2024, 89(6), DOI: 10.1190/GEO-2023-0407.1.

15.    Hou W.T., Collet O., Glubokovskikh S., Kazei V., Pevzner R., Shashkin P., Li-Yun Fu, and Gurevich B.What formation properties control DAS amplitudes of direct P waves from active and passive seismic sources? Geophysics, 2024,GEO-2024-0280.

16.    DengW.B.,MorozovI.B., Li-Yun Fu, and Cao D.P. An extended continuum-mechanics standard linear solid rheology for fluid-saturated porous rock.Geophysical Journal International, 2024, DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggae142.

17.    Sheng B.L., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Distribution of gas hydrate in fractured reservoirs: implications from  anisotropic elastic and electrical numerical simulations. Geophysical Journal International, 2024, 237, 838–848. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggae076.

18.    Han T.C., Sheng B.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Slopes of the pressure dependent elastic-electrical correlations in artificial sandstones. Geophysical Journal International, 2024, 237, 1010–1017. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ ggae094.

19.    Han T.C., He H.M., and Li-Yun Fu. New insights into how temperature affects the electrical conductivity of clay-free porous rocks. Geophysical Journal International, 2024, 238, 313–320. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggae162.

20.    Wang Z.D., Ding X.X., Liu J.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Numerical simulations on compression behaviors of the laminated shale based on the digital image technology and the discrete element method. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14, 15890. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-66333-1.

21.    Luan G.Q., Lin C.Y., Azmy K., Li-Yun Fu, Dong C.M., Liu H.C., Zhu Z.Q., and Cai F.J. Marine anoxia events across the upper Cambrian (Stage 10) of eastern Gondwana: Implications from paleoenvironmental geochemical proxies. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024, 139, 106813. DOI:10. 1016/j.marpetgeo. 2024.106813.

22.    Jian S.K., Li-Yun Fu, Duan W.S., Peng G.X., Cheng S., Tang Y.L, Zheng D.M. Rock-physics Modeling and Pre-stack Seismic Inversion for the Cambrian Superdeep Dolomite Reservoirs in Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024, 139, DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.106973.

23.    DengW.B.,MorozovI.B., and Li-Yun Fu. On the frequency-dependent attenuation in low-frequency mechanical testing of rock samples. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2024, 12(3), 223-236. DOI: 10.46690/ager.2024.06.06.

24.    Wei G.H., Deng W.B., Li Z.C., and Li-Yun Fu.Sparsity-enhanced Constrained Least-Squares Spectral Analysis with Greedy-FISTA Algorithm. Remote Sensing,2024, 16, 3486. DOI: 10.3390/rs16183486.

25.    Liu H.W., Li-Yun Fu, Li Q.Q., and Liu L. Compensating acquisition footprint for amplitude preserving angle domain common image gathers based on 3D reverse time migration. Remote Sensing,2024, 16, 3362. DOI:10.3390/rs16183362.

26.    Yang Q.Y., Zhang Y., Suwen J.L., Sun X.L., Huang T.M., Hu J.H., Qi S.W. and Li-Yun Fu. The inversion of seepage parameters by tidal and barometric response methods: A case study of Shizhu well with the thick aquifer mixed with mudstones. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2024, ID cffa43b5-ec71-4957-b52d-7a8974adbdc8.

27.      Han T.C., Sheng B.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Understanding the effects of pore pressure induced crack deformation on the acoustic anisotropy of rocks with aligned cracks. Geophysical Prospecting, 2024, 72, GPR13623. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13623.

28.      Ren L.N., Du Q.Z., Lv W.H., Pu L., and Li-Yun Fu. qS-wave decoupling equation for wavefield separation in transversely isotropic media. Geophysical Prospecting, 2024, 72, 2214–2226. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13509.

29.      Gao L.J., Li J., Li G.R., Li-Yun Fu, and Liu Y.L. Distribution and genesis of the deep buried fractured and vuggy dolostone reservoir in the Lower Ordovician succession, north Tarim basin, northwestern China. Minerals, 2024, 14, 58. DOI: 10.3390/min14010058.

30.    Chu B.F., Zhang Y., Li-Yun Fu, Qi S.W., Chen G.X., Shi Z.M., Huang T.M., Pang Z.H., and Zhang H. Deep learning for identifying earthquake precursors: Applications and challenges in subsurface fluid signals. The Innovation Geoscience 2024, 2(4), 100093.

31.      李卿卿, 符力耘, 杜启振, 冉亚楠, 胡勇. 基于声波测井资料的波动方程走时层析速度建模方法. 地球物理学报, 2024, 67(2), DOI: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0560.

32.      胡勇, 黄兴国, 符力耘, 段超然. 基于弹性波动方程的局部尺度走时反演. 地球物理学报, 2024, 67(10), DOI: 10.6038/cjg2023R0466.



33.      Zhang Y., Li-Yun Fu, Zhu A.Y., Zhao L.F., Qi S.W., Huang   T.M., Ma Y.C., and Zhang W. Anisotropy and heterogeneity induced by shale in   aquifer lithology--Influence of aquifer shale on the leaky model with tidal   response analysis. Water Resource   Research, 2023, 59, e2021WR031451, DOI: 10.1029/2021WR031451.

34.    Li-Yun   Fu. Interpretative seismic imaging with the wavenumber-structure monitoring   of velocity models. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing, 2023, 60, 5924714, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS. 2022.3225454.

35.    Hou   W.T., Li-Yun Fu, and Carcione J.M. Reflection and transmission of inhomogeneous plane waves in   thermoporoelastic media. Surveys in Geophysics, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-023-09782-z.

36.    Han T.C., He H.M., and Li-Yun Fu. An improved effective medium model for the electrical   properties of granular rocks accounting for grain contact. Geophysical   Journal International, 2023, 23386–92.DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggac448.

37.    Lu M.H., Han T.C., Wang P., and Li-Yun Fu. Permeability of artificial sandstones   identified by their dual-pore structure. Geophysical Journal International, 2023,234(2), 1422-1429. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad149.

38.      Deng W.B., Li-Yun Fu, Wang Z.W., Hou W.T., and Hou W.T. Biot-Consistent   Framework for Wave Propagation with Macroscopic Fluid and Thermal Effects. Geophysical   Journal International, 2023, DOI:   10.1093/gji/ggad293.

39.    Ba J.,   Fang Z.J., Li-Yun Fu, Xu W.H., and   Zhang L. Acoustic wave   propagation in a porous medium saturated with a Kelvin-Voigt non-Newtonian   fluid. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 235, 2056–2077.DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad355.

40.    Li N.Q., Li-Yun Fu, Deng W.B. Carcione J.M., and Yang J. A   thermo-hydro-mechanical model to evaluate the seismic properties of   geothermal reservoirs. Geophysics, 2023, DOI: 10.1190/ geo2022-0491.1.

41.    Hou   W.T., Li-Yun Fu, and Carcione J.M. Amplitude-variation-with-offset in thermoelastic   media. Geophysics, 2023, 88: MR25-MR33. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2021-0815.1.

42.    DengW.B., Li-Yun Fu, MorozovI.B., and Wang Z.W. Macroscopic   mechanical properties of fluid-saturated sandstone at variable temperatures. Geophysics, 2023,88(3), MR127-MR139. DOI: 10.1190/geo2022-0427.1.

43.    Wei J., Li-Yun   Fu, Carcione J.M., and Deng W.B. Anelastic dispersion and attenuation of   P- and SV-wave scattering by aligned non-isothermal inclusions of finite   thickness. Geophysics, 2023, 88(3), MR95-MR104. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2022-0321.1.

44.    Han T.C., Wang P., and Li-Yun Fu. Pressure-dependent joint elastic-electrical   properties of calcite-cemented artificial sandstones. Geophysics, 2023, 88: MR15-MR24. DOI: 10.1190/geo2022-0184.1.

45.    Fu   B.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Deng W.B., and Han T.C. Acoustoelastic Mori–Tanaka model for third-order elastic constants of   fractured rocks. Geophysics, 2023, 88(4), MR211-MR228. DOI: 10.1190/geo2022-0583.1.

46.    Han T.C., Sun H., Wang P., and Li-Yun   Fu. Pore pressure effects on the   anisotropic joint elastic-electrical properties of artificial porous   sandstones with aligned fractures. Geophysics, 2023, DOI: 10.1190/geo2022-0588.1.

47.    Liu   Y.F., Li-Yun Fu, Deng W.B., Hou W.T., Carcione J.M., and Wei J. Simulation of wave propagation in thermoporoelastic   media with dual-phase-lag heat conduction. Journal of Thermal Stresses,   2023, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/01495739.

48.    Zhou H., Jia X.P., Li-Yun Fu, and Tourin A.Seismic wave   scattering and dissipation in fractured shales. TechRxiv, Preprint, 2023. DOI:   10.48550/arXiv.2301.00713.

49.    Wang Z.D., Cao G.Q., Liu J.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Prediction of the   anisotropic effective moduli of shales based on the Mori-Tanaka model and the   digital core technique. Pure and   Applied Geophysics, 2023. DOI:   10.1007/s00024-023-03298-8.

50.    Du Q.Z., Zhang F.Y., Liang Z.Y., Li Q.Q., and Li-Yun   Fu. Stress tensor double dot product imaging   condition for elastic reverse time migration. Geophysical Prospecting, 2023,DOI: 10.1111 /1365-2478.13317.

51.    Chen L., Huang J.P., Li-Yun Fu, Peng W.T., Song C., and Han J.L. A compact high-order   finite-difference method with optimized coefficients for 2D acoustic wave   equation. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 604. DOI: 10.3390/rs15030604.

52.    Deng W.B.,   Cao Q.S., Morozov I.B., and Li-Yun Fu. Seismic-Q   compensation by iterative time-domain deconvolution. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 648. DOI: 10.3390/rs15030648.

53.    Wang   X.Y., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu.   Molecular dynamic simulation   of the influence of layer charge characteristics on the anisotropic elastic   properties of hydrated montmorillonites. Chemical Physics, 2023, CHEMPHYS-D-23-00488R1.

54.    YangH.D., Li-Yun Fu, Müller T.M., and Fu B.Y. Decoupled   acoustoelastic equations and stable FD modeling for wave propagation in   prestressed media. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023,DOI:   10.3389/feart.2022.1031490.

55.    Tang Q.Y., Sun W.J., Hu J.M., and Li-Yun   Fu. Seismological Reference Earth Model in South   China (SREM-SC): Upper Mantle. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10, 1080298. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.1080298.

56.    Hu J.M., Sun W.J., Liu C.C., Tang Q.Y., andLi-Yun Fu. Seismological reference earth model in south   China (SREM-SC): crust and uppermost mantle. Frontiers   in Earth Science, 2023, 10, DOI: 10.3389/   feart.2022.1080307.

57.    Wang P., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu.Elastic and electrical   properties of calcite-cemented artificial sandstones based on a new   manufacturing method. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10, 1098466. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.1098466.

58.    Wang Z.W., Li-Yun Fu, Jian S.K., and Deng W.B. Application of a   model-driven simultaneous prestack inversion of rock physical properties in   ultra-deep Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Shunbei area. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023,   10, 1035735. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.1035735.

59.      Yang H.D., Li-Yun Fu, Li H.Y., and Du Q.Z. 3D   acoustoelastic FD modeling of elastic wave propagation in prestressed solid   media. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2023,   20(2), 297-311.DOI:   10.1093/jge/gxad010.

60.    徐登辉, 韩同城, 符力耘. 背景为各向异性的含裂缝岩石频散和衰减计算方法研究. 地球物理学报, 2023, 66(5), 2151-2166. DOI:   10.6038/cjg2022P0900.

61.      巴晶, 方志坚, 符力耘, 郭强. 基于可变临界孔隙度模型的致密砂岩储层参数地震反演方法. 地球物理学报, 2023, 66(6), 2576-2591. DOI: 10.6038/cjg2022Q0106.

62.    王志伟, 符力耘, 刘军, 蔡忠贤. 塔里木盆地顺北超深层碳酸盐岩输导体系三维地震属性多尺度表征及连通性分析. 地球物理学报, 2023, 66: 83-94. DOI10.6038/cjg2022Q0371.

63.    冯一琳,魏伟,付博烨,符力耘. 亚波长尺度裂缝地震散射分辨分析. 地球物理学报, 2023. DOI: 10.6038/cjg2023Q0822.

64.    马汝鹏, 巴晶, 符力耘. 致密砂岩层系多尺度波耗散规律及双重分形结构模型. 科学通报, 2023, DOI: 10.1360/TB-2022-1192.

65.    邓武兵, 李念琪, 符力耘. 基于Biot熵流的多孔介质波致流效应. 科学通报, 2023, DOI: 10.1360/TB-2023-0290.

66.    汤聪, 符力耘, 陈康, 肖寒, 曾鸣, 马智超. 基于深度偏移角道集共聚焦分析的炮域炮检距矢量片优化叠加方法. 石油地球物理勘探, 2023, 58(3), 660-669. DOI: 10.13810/j.cnki.issn.1000-7210.2023.03.019.



67.    Yang J.,Li-Yun Fu, Fu B.Y., Deng   W.B., and Han T.C.Third-order   Padé thermoelastic constants of solid rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2022, 127, e2022JB024517. DOI: 10.1029/2022JB024517.

68.      Tang Q.Y., Sun W.J., Yoshizawa K., and Li-Yun Fu. Anomalous radial anisotropy   and its implications for upper mantle dynamics beneath South China from   multimode surface wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2022, 127, e2021JB023485. DOI:   10.1029/2021JB023485.

69.      Zhang Y., Manga M., Li-Yun Fu, Yang Q.Y., Cui Z.D., and   Huang Y. Changes of hydraulic transmissivity orientation induced by   tele-seismic waves. Water Resource   Research, 2022, 58, e2022WR033272.  DOI:   10.1029/2022WR033272.

70.    Cheng   Y.F. and Li-Yun Fu. Nonlinear seismic inversion by physics-informed   Caianiello convolutional neural networks for overpressure prediction of   source rocks in the offshore Xihu depression, East China.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,   2022, 215, 110654. DOI:   10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110654.

71.    Luan   G.Q., Dong C.M., Azmy K., Li-Yun Fu, Lin C.Y., Ren L.H., Shi C.Y., and   Li J. Hydrogeochemistry of oil-field formation   water in relation to diagenesis of reservoirs: A case study from Shahejie   Formation, Dongying Depression. Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering, 2022, 202,   110822. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110822.

72.    Tang Q. Y., Sun W.J., Ao S.J., Li-Yun Fu, and   Xiao W.J. Strong lateral heterogeneities of upper mantle shear-wave   structures beneath the central and eastern Tien Shan.International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2022, 111, 2555-2569. DOI.org/10.1007/s00531-021-02149.

73.    Hu   Y., Chen T.G., Li-Yun Fu, Wu R.S., Xu Y.Z., Han L.G., and Huang X.G. A 2D local   correlative misfit for least-square reverse time migration with sparsity   promotion. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing, 2022, 60, 5911913, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3150783.

74.    Ran Y.N., Li Q.Q.,   Li-Yun Fu, Du Q.Z., and Zhang, Q.C.   Wave equation-based Q tomography with local peak frequency shift measurements.   IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing, 2022, 60, 5919310. DOI:   10.1109/TGRS.2022.3199101.

75.    Hu   Y., Li-Yun Fu, Deng W.B., Li Q.Q.,   and Huang X.G. Joint traditional and   reflection envelope inversion. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,   2022, 19, 8025505. DOI:   10.1109/LGRS.2022.3141122.

76.    Yang   J.,Li-Yun   Fu,   Zhang Y.H., and Han T.C. Temperature- and pressure-dependent   pore microstructures by using static and dynamic moduli and their   correlation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55,   4073-4092, DOI: 10.1007/s00603-022-02829-4.

77.      Yang J.,Li-Yun Fu, Wang F., and   Deng W.B.Coupled thermo-mechanical damage evolution of granite   under repeated heating-cooling cycles and the applications of Mohr-Coulomb   and Drucker-Prager models. Natural Resources Research, 2022, 31(5), 2629-2652. DOI: 10.1007/s11053-022-10084-1.

78.    Hou L.L., Yu H., Chen Z., Xin Y., Chai J., Li-Yun Fu, Zhang J.L., Zhang H.Y. Simulation   on oily contamination removal by ozone using molecular dynamics. Chemosphere, 2022, 308: 136473. DOI:   10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.136473.

79.    Fu B.Y.,   Li-Yun Fu, Han T.C.,and Deng W.B. Effects of fracture-surface geometries on the third-order   acoustoelastic constants for aligned fluid-saturated fractures.   Geophysical   Journal International, 2022, 231:1096-1116.DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggac243.

80.      Wei J., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione   J.M., and Han T.C. Wave-induced thermal flux and scattering of P-waves in a   medium with aligned circular cracks. Geophysics, 2022, 87(5), MR209-MR218. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2021-0616.1.

81.    Wei   W. and Li-Yun Fu. Small-data-driven   fast seismic simulations for complex media using physics-informed Fourier   neural operators. Geophysics, 2022, 87: T435-T446. DOI:10.1190/GEO2021-0573.1.

82.    Li   N.Q., Deng W.B., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione J.M., and Han T.C. Wave propagation in double-porosity thermoelastic media.   Geophysics, 2022, 87(6), MR265-MR277. DOI:   10.1190/GEO2022-0008.1.

83.    Hou   W.T., Li-Yun Fu, and Carcione J.M. Reflection and transmission of thermoelastic waves in   multilayered media. Geophysics, 2022, 87: MR117-MR128. DOI: 10.1190 /GEO2021-0542.1.

84.    YangH.D., Li-Yun Fu, Fu B.Y., and Du Q.Z.Poro-acoustoelasticity   FD simulation of elastic wave propagation in prestressed porous media. Geophysics,   2022,87: T329-T345. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2021-0077.1.

85.    Han T.C., Yan H., Li-Yun   Fu, and Xu D.H. Effective medium modeling of the joint elastic-electrical   properties of sandstones with partial water saturation. Geophysics, 2022, 87(3), MR129-MR137. DOI:   10.1190/GEO2021-0412.1.

86.    Bao   H.S., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu.   Dielectric properties of porous rocks with partially saturated fractures from   finite-difference modeling. Geophysics, 2022, 87(5), MR235-MR245. DOI: 10.1190/GEO2022-0041.1.

87.    Han T.C., Bao H.S., Li-Yun Fu, and Yan H. Do cracks improve the conductive ability of   porous rocks? Geophysical Prospecting, 2022, 70(9), 1556-1564. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13256.

88.    Li B., Han T.C., Li-Yun   Fu, and Yan H. Pressure effects on the anisotropic electrical   conductivity of artificial porous rocks with aligned fractures.   Geophysical Prospecting, 2022, 70(4), 790-800.DOI:   10.1111/1365-2478.13184.

89.    Han T.C., Yan H., Li-Yun   Fu, and Li F.L. Applicability of cross-property differential effective   medium model to the joint elastic-electrical properties of reservoir   sandstones. Geophysical Prospecting, 2022, 70(7), 1243-1251.DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13233.

90.    Liu S.B., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Laboratory   insights into the effects of methane hydrate on the anisotropic joint   elastic-electrical properties in fractured sandstones. Petroleum   Science, 2022020(2), 803-814. DOI: 10.1016/j.petsci.2022.09.007.

91.    Wang   Z.W., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione J.M., Hou   W.T., and Wei J.Analytical solution of thermoelastic attenuation in   fine layering for random variations of the Grüneisen ratio. Journal   of Thermal Stresses, 2022,45(8), 630-640.DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2022.2074930.

92.    Li Z.J.,   Li-Yun Fu, Liu J., Wang Z., and   Jian S.K. Azimuthal P-P prestack seismic prediction of fractures for   superdeep carbonate reservoirs in northwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology,   2022, 137: 105485. DOI:   10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105485.

93.    Zhang W., Shan X.C., Fu B.Y., Zou X.Y., Li-Yun Fu. A deep encoder-decoder   neural network model for total organic carbon content prediction from well   logs. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2022,240: 105437. DOI:   10.1016/j.jseaes.2022.105437.

94.    Zhang Y., Sun X.L., Huang T.M., Qi S.W., Li-Yun Fu, Yang Q.Y., Hu J.H., Zheng   B.W., Zhang W. Possible continuous vertical water leakage of deep aquifer   records from a deep well in Tianjin province, North China: Geofluids,   2022, 4419310. DOI: 10.1155/2022/4419310.

95.      Hu Y., Li-Yun Fu, Li Q.Q., Deng W.B., and Han   L.G. Frequency-wavenumber domain elastic full waveform inversion with a   multistage phase correction: Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(23), 5916. DOI: 10.3390/rs14235916.

96.    Lv W.H., Du Q.Z., Li-Yun Fu, Li Q.Q., Zhang J.L., and Zou Z. A   new scheme of wavefield decomposed elastic least-square reverse time   migration. Frontiers   in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 991093.DOI 10.3389/feart.2022.991093.

97.    Rong M.S., Li-Yun Fu,Sánchez-Sesma F.J., Sun W.J. Joint inversion of earthquake-based horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and phase velocity dispersion: Applications to   Garner Valley. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 948697. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.948697.

98.    Wang X.Y., Han   T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Anisotropic elastic properties of montmorillonite   with different layer charge densities and layer charge distributions through   molecular dynamic simulation. Frontiers   in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 854816. DOI:   10.3389/feart.2022.854816.

99.    Hou   W.T., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione J.M., and Han T.C. Reflection and transmission of plane waves in thermoelastic media. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022,10, 850331. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.850331.

100.YangH.D., Li-Yun Fu, Fu B.Y., and Müller T.M. Acoustoelastic   FD simulation of elastic wave propagation in prestressed media. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 886920. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.886920.

101.Ba J., Zhu H.S.,Li-Yun Fu, and Zhao L.X. Editorial: Challenges in seismic rock   physics.Journal   of Geophysics and Engineering, 2022,   19, 1367-1369. DOI: 10.1093/jge/gxac094.

102.Jian S.K., Li-Yun Fu, Liao Z.H.,and Deng W.B.Elastic   characteristics of fault damage zones within superdeep carbonates in Tarim   Basin, Northwest China. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2022,   JGE-2022-0005.

103.Jian S.K., Li-Yun Fu, and Cheng Y.F. Anisotropic effective elastic   properties for multi-dimensional fractured models. Applied Sciences,   2022, 12 (4): 1873. DOI: 10.3390/app12041873.

104.Du Q.Z.,   Wang W.Y., Sun W.H., and Li-Yun Fu. Seismic attenuation compensation   with spectral-shaping regularization. Earth and Planetary Physics,   2022, 6(3),   259-274. DOI: 10.26464/epp2022024.

105.程前, 魏 伟, 符力耘.基于逆时成像的井中观测微地震定位精度分析. 地球物理学报, 2022, 65: 3213-3228.

106.汤聪, 符力耘, 杜启振. 金属矿地震勘探进展综述.   地球与行星物理论评, 2022, DOI: 10.19975/j.dqyxx.2021-015.



107.Zhang   Y., Wang C.-Y., Li-Yun Fu, and Yang Q.Y. Are deep aquifers really confined?Water Resource   Research, 2021,57(11), e2021WR030195.DOI: 10.1029/2021WR030195.

108.Liu S.B., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu, Laboratory   investigations of acoustic anisotropy in artificial porous rock with aligned   fractures during gas hydrate formation and dissociation.Journal   of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2021, 126(4), e2021JB021678. DOI:10.1029/2021JB021678. 

109.Zhou H., Jia X.P., Li-Yun Fu, and Tourin   A.Monte-Carlo   simulations of ultrasound scattering and absorption in finite-size heterogeneous   materials. Physical Review Applied, 2021, 16: 034009.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.034009.

110.Liu X.F., Yan J.X., Zhang X.W., Zhang L.T., Ni H., Zhou   W., Wei B.J., Li P.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Numerical upscaling of multi-mineral digital rocks:   Electrical conductivities of tight sandstones. Journal of Petroleum   Science and Engineering, 2021, 201: 108530. DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.   2021.108530.

111.Liu N. andLi-Yun Fu.   Modeling seismic responses in complex fractured media using the modified   lattice spring model coupled with discrete fracture networks. Journal   of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 95: 104206. DOI:   10.1016/j.jngse.2021.104206 

112.Li Q.Q., Li-Yun   Fu, Wu. R.S., and Du Q.Z. A novel wavefield-reconstruction algorithm for   RTM in attenuating media. IEEEGeoscience and   Remote Sensing Letters, 2021, 18 (4): 731-735.   

113.Han T.C., Yan H., Li B., and Li-Yun Fu. Pressure   dependent joint elastic-electrical properties in brine-saturated artificial   sandstones with aligned penny-shaped cracks-part I: Experimental results. Geophysical Journal International, 2021, 228(2), 1071-1082.DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab386.           

114.Yan H., Han T.C., Li-Yun Fu, and Li B. Pressure   dependent joint elastic-electrical properties in brine-saturated artificial   sandstones with aligned penny-shaped cracks – part II: Theoretical modelling.   Geophysical   Journal International, 2021, 228(2), 1083-1097. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggab387.          

115.Guo Q., Ba J., Li-Yun Fu, and Luo C. Joint   seismic and petrophysical nonlinear inversion with Gaussian mixture-based   adaptive regularization. Geophysics, 2021,86(6), R895-R911. DOI:10.1190/geo2021-0017.1.

116.Hou   W.T., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione J.M.,Wang   Z.W., and Wei J. Simulation of thermoelastic waves based on the Lord-Shulman   theory. Geophysics, 2021, 86: T155-T164. DOI:   10.1190/GEO2020-0515.1.

117.Qi Q.M., Li-Yun Fu, Deng J.X., and Cao J.X. Attenuation   methods for quantifying gas saturation in organic-rich shale and tight gas   formations. Geophysics, 2021,86(2): D65-D75. DOI: 10.1190/geo2020-0291.1.

118.Han T.C., Yu H.Y., and Li-Yun Fu. Correlations   between the static and anisotropic dynamic elastic properties of lacustrine   shales under triaxial stress: Examples from the Ordos Basin, China. Geophysics,   2021, 86(4): MR191-MR202. DOI:   10.1190/geo2020-0761.1.

119.Han T.C., Liu S.B., Li-Yun Fu, and Yan H. Understanding   how overpressure affects the physical properties of sandstones. Geophysics,   2021, 86: MR203-MR210. DOI:   10.1190/geo2020-0776.1.

120.Wei   Y.J., Ba J., Carcione J.M., Li-Yun Fu, Pang M.Q., and Qi H.   Temperature, differential-pressure and porosity inversion for ultra-deep   carbonate reservoirs based on 3D rock physics templates. Geophysics, 2021, 86(3): M77-M89. DOI:   10.1190/geo2020-0550.1.

121.Liu S.B., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Distribution   of gas hydrate in fractured reservoirs: insights from anisotropic seismic   measurements.Science China Earth Sciences, 2021,64(5), 744-752. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-020-9725-0. 

122.Yang Q.Y., Zhang Y., Li-Yun Fu, Ma Y.C., and Hu J.H. Vertical leakage occurred after an earthquake:   Suggestions for utilizing the mixed flow model. Lithosphere, 2021, 8281428. DOI:   10.2113/2021/8281428.   

123.Xu D.H., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Frequency-dependent   seismic properties in layered and fractured rocks with partial saturation.   Geophysical Prospecting, 2021, 69: 1716-1732.DOI:   10.1111/1365-2478.13133.   

124.Liu N. Li Y.Y.,Li-Yun Fu, Kong Y., and Li W.S. Integrated   LSM-DFN modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs: Roughness effect on elastic characteristics. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2021, 178(3):1761-1779. DOI: 10.1007/s00024-021-02728-9.

125.Han T.C., Yan H., and Li-Yun Fu. A quantitative interpretation of the   saturation exponent in Archie’s equations. Petroleum Science, 2021, 18(8),   444-449.   DOI: 10.1007/s12182-021-00547-0.

126.Ba J., Fang Z.J.,   Carcione J.M., Li-Yun Fu, and Guo Q. Editorial: Rock physics and geofluid detection. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 9: 752172. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.995373.  

127.Du Q.Z., Zhang X.Y., Zhang S.K.,   Zhang F.Y., and Li-Yun Fu. The pseudo-Laplace filter for vector-based   elastic reverse time migration. Frontiers in Earth Science,   2021, 9: Article 687835.

128.Xu X.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Liu N.,   and Han T.C. On the determination of coordination numbers of coupled DEM-DFN   model for modeling fractured rocks. Frontiers in Earth Science,   2021, 9: 665275.DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.665275.     

129.Fu   B.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Han T.C., and Cao C.H. Roughness effects of crack   surfaces on the elastic moduli of cracked rock.Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.626903.  

130.Cao C.H., Li-Yun Fu, Fu   B.Y., and Guo Q. Effect of stress interaction on effective elasticity and   fracture parameters in the damage zones. Frontiers   in Earth Science, 2021, DOI:   10.3389/feart.2021.643372.  

131.Zhou X.Y., Ba J., Santos J.E.,   Carcione J.M., Li-Yun Fu, and Pang M.Q. Fluid discrimination in ultra-deep reservoirs based on a   double double-porosity theory. Frontiers in Earth Science,   2021, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.649984.     

132.Yang J., Li-Yun Fu, Fu B.Y.,   Wang Z.W., and Hou W.T. High-temperature effect on   the material constants and elastic moduli for solid rocks. Journal   of Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18(4): 583-593.      

133.Ba J., Hu P., Tan W.H., Müller T.M., and Li-Yun Fu. Brittle mineral prediction based on rock-physics modelling for tight   oil reservoir rocks. Journal of   Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18(6): 970-983.

134.Wang Z.D., Zhang   Q., Liu J.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Effective moduli of rocks predicted by the Kuster-Toksöz and   Mori-Tanaka models. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,   2021, 18(4): 539-557.    

135.Li   N.Q.,Li-Yun   Fu, Yang   J., and Han T.C. On three-stage temperature   dependence of elastic wave velocities for rocks. Journal   of Geophysics and Engineering, 2021, 18(3):328-338.  

136.Jian S.K., Li-Yun Fu, Cao C.H., Han T.C.,and Du Q.Z.3D finite-element modeling of effective elastic properties   for fracture density and multiscale natural fractures.   Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,   2021, 18 (4): 567-582.

137.Mu X.R., Huang J.P., Li-Yun Fu, Jian S.K., Hu   B., and Wang Z.Y. Diffraction imaging for fault-karst structure by   least-squares reverse time migration. Interpretation, 2021, 9(2): T385-T394.  

138.Rao   Y., Li-Yun Fu, Wang Z.W., and Fu B.Y. Multiscale reconstructions, effective elastic properties, and   ultrasonic responses of kerogen matter based on digital organic shales. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 43785-43798.   

139.Hu J.H.,Zhang   G.X., Li-Yun Fu, Zhang Y., and Li S.H. Temporal variations in coda attenuation   associated with the 2008 Wenchuan (Mw 7.9) Earthquake in SW, China. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2021, 12(6), 424-440.   DOI: 10.1016/j.geog.2021.09.001.

140.  檀文慧, 巴晶, 符力耘, Carcione J.M., 周欣.龙马溪--五峰组富有机质页岩三维岩石物理模板分析及“甜点”预测. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64 (8): 2900-2915.   

141.  侯婉婷,符力耘,魏 佳,王志伟. 热弹性介质中波传播特征. 地球物理学报, 2021,   64 (4)1364-1374.   

142.  包宏帅,   韩同城, 符力耘. 基于二维图像的数字岩心电导率计算方法研究. 地球物理学报, 2021,64 (5)1733-1744.     

143.    任舒波, 韩同城, 符力耘,颜韩.压力对含裂缝岩石各向异性速度的影响. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64 (7)2504-2514.   

144.王志伟,符力耘,韩同城,巴晶. 岩石热弹性理论及其在地球物理中的应用. 地球与行星物理论评,2021, 52 (6): 623-633.

145.蒋梦凡, 孙伟家, 魏伟, 李卿卿, 符力耘. 地震全波形反演及其探测壳-幔结构的研究进展. 地球物理学进展, 2021, 36 (2): 464-480.

146.王锴, 魏伟, 符力耘. 混合采集地震偏移成像分辨率分析. 地球物理学进展, 2021, 36(6): 2599-2609.



147.Wei J., Li-Yun Fu, Han T.C., and   Carcione J.M. Thermoelastic dispersion and attenuation of P- and SV-wave   scattering by aligned fluid-saturated cracks of finite thickness in an   isothermal elastic medium. Journal of   Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2020, 125(9): e2020JB019942. 

148.Han T.C., Yan H., Xu D.H., and Li-Yun Fu. Theoretical correlations between the elastic and   electrical properties in layered porous rocks with cracks of varying   orientations. Earth-Science Reviews, 2020211:103420.  

149.Yan   H., Han T.C., and Li-Yun Fu. Theoretical models for the effective electrical   conductivity of transversely isotropic rocks with inclined penny-shaped cracks.   Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid   Earth, 2020, 125(10): e2020JB020371. 

150.Sun   W.J., Zhao L., Yuan H.Y., and Li-Yun Fu. Sharpness of the   mid-lithospheric discontinuities and craton evolution in North China. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2020, 125(9): e2019JB018594. 

151.Han T.C., Gurevich B., Li-Yun Fu, Qi Q.M., Wei J.X., and Chen X.Y. Combined effects of   pressure and water saturation on the seismic anisotropy in artificial porous   sandstone with aligned fractures. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid   Earth, 2020, 125(1): e2019JB019091. 

152.Li-Yun Fu, Fu B.Y., Sun W.J., Han T.C., and Liu J.L. Elastic   wave propagation and scattering in prestressed porous rocks. Science   China Earth Sciences, 2020, 63: 1309-1329. 

153.Fu B.Y., Li-Yun   Fu, Guo G.X., Galvin R.J., and Gurevich B. Semi-analytical solution to   the problem of frequency dependent anisotropy of porous media with an aligned   set of slit cracks. International Journal of Engineering   Science, 2020, 147: 103209.  

154.Zhang   L., Ba J., Carcione J.M., and Li-Yun Fu. Differential poroelasticity   model for wave dissipation in self-similar rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2020,128: 104281.

155.Wei J., Li-Yun   Fu, Wang Z.W., Ba J., and   Carcione J.M. Green function of the Lord-Shulman thermo-poroelasticity   theory. Geophysical Journal International, 2020. 221:   1765–1776. 

156.Wang Z.W., Li-Yun   Fu, Wei J., Hou W.T., Ba J., and Carcione J.M. On the Green function of the   Lord–Shulman thermoelasticity equations. Geophysical Journal International, 2020, 220: 393-403. 

157.Carcione J.M., Gei D., Santos J.E., Li-Yun Fu, and Ba J.Canonical   analytical solutions of wave-induced thermoelastic attenuation. Geophysical   Journal International, 2020, 221, 835–842.  

158.Boateng C.D.,Li-Yun Fu, and Danuor S.K.   Characterization of complex fluvio–deltaic deposits in Northeast   China using multi-modal machine learning fusion. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1): 13357.

159.Han T.C., Wei Z.T., and Li-Yun Fu. Cementation exponent as a geometric factor for the   elastic properties of sedimentary rocks. Geophysics, 2020, 69(1):   220-235. 

160.Xu D.H., Han T.C., Liu S.B., and Li-Yun Fu. Effects   of randomly orienting inclined penny-shaped cracks on the elastic properties   of transversely isotropic rocks. Geophysics, 2020, 85(6):   MR325-MR340.  

161.Han T.C., Liu S.B., Xu D.H., and Li-Yun Fu. Pressure-dependent cross-property relations   between   elastic and electrical properties of   partially saturated porous sandstones. Geophysics, 2020, 85(3):   MR107-MR115.  

162.Du Q.Z., Zhao Q., Li Q.Q., Li-Yun Fu, and Sun   Q. F. A new decoupling and elastic propagator for efficient elastic reverse   time migration. Geophysics, 2020, 85: A31-A36. 

163.Zhao Q., Du Q.Z., Yasin Q., Li Q.Q., and Li-Yun Fu. Quaternion-based sparse   tight frame for multicomponent signal recovery. Geophysics, 2020, 85:   V143–V156.  

164.Carcione J.M., Mainardi F., Picotti S., Li-Yun Fu, and Ba J. Thermoelasticity and P-wave simulation based on the Cole-Cole model. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2020,43: 512-527. 

165.Li Q.Q., Li-Yun   Fu, Sun W.J., Wei W., and Hou W.T. A stable Q compensated reverse time   migration method based on excitation amplitude imaging condition. Communications   in Computational Physics, 2020, 28:141-166. 

166.Liu N. and Li-Yun   Fu. Elastic characteristics of digital cores from Longmaxi shale using   lattice spring models. Communications in Computational Physics,   2020, 28: 518-538. 

167.Liu N., Li-Yun   Fu, Tang G., Kong Y., and Xu X.Y.Comparison of modified couple-stress   modeling and lattice-spring modeling for propagation characteristics of   elastic waves. Acta Mechanica. 2020, 231, 1285-1304.  

168.Wu   C.F., Ba J., Carcione J.M., Li-Yun Fu, Chesnokov E.M., and Zhang L.Asquirt-flow theory   to model wave anelasticity in rocks containing compliantmicrofractures. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,2020, 301: 106450.  

169.Liu B., Li-Yun   Fu, Yu G.X., Li Q.Q., andHuang J.P. Seismogram synthesis for   multilayered heterogeneous media with irregular interfaces by global   generalized R/T matrices method. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of   America. 2020, 110(1): 357-368. 

170.Han T.C., Wei Z.T., and Li-Yun Fu. Seismic dispersion and attenuation in layered porous   rocks with fractures of varying orientations. Geophysical Prospecting,   2020, 69(1): 220-235.

171.Cao   C.H., Chen F.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Ba J., and Han T.C. Effect   of stress interactions on anisotropic P-SV-wave dispersion and attenuation   for closely spaced cracks in saturated porous media. Geophysical Prospecting, 2020,68(8):   2536-2556.   

172.Li-Yun   Fu and Li Y. Neuronic convolution model for spatiotemporal   information representation and processing. IEEE Xplore, 2020, preprint: DOI:   10.1109/IJCNN.2001.938782. Presented at the International   Joint INNS-IEEE Conference on Neural Networks, Washington DC, USA, August   2001. 6 pages' Expanded Abstracts.

173.Wei W., Li-Yun Fu, Su J.,   Liu G.Z., and Sun W.J. Numerical method for horizontal and   vertical spatial resolutions of seismic acquisition geometries in complex 3D   media. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 116544-116555. 

174.Tang C., Li-Yun   Fu, Pan W.Y., Li Q.Q., and Huang J.P. Optimized pseudo-Padé Fourier migrator   in terms of propagation angles. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:   32054-32065. 

175.Li Q.Q., Li-Yun   Fu, Wu. R.S., and Du Q.Z. Efficient acoustic reverse time migration with   an attenuated and reversible random boundary. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 34598-34610.     

176.Liao Z.H., Li-Yun Fu, Zeng L.B., Zou H.Y., Chen   X.F., Carpenter B.M., and Hao F. Introduction to special section: Seismic   interpretation of fractures in deep subsurface. Interpretation, 2020,   8: SPi-SPii. DOI: 10.1190/ INT-2020-0915-SPSEINTRO.1

177.Liu N. and Li-Yun   Fu. Stress-orientation   effects on the effective elastic anisotropy of complex fractured media using   the lattice spring models coupled with discrete fracture networks model. Interpretation, 2020, 8: SP31-SP42.  

178.Pang M.Q., Ba J., Li-Yun Fu, Carcione J.M., and Markus U.I. Estimation   of microfracture porosity in deep carbonate reservoirs based on 3D   rock-physics templates. Interpretation, 2020, 8(4):   SP43-SP52.  

179.Chen Y.P., Liao Z.H., Li-Yun Fu, Marfurt K., Mu   X.R., and Zou H.Y. Effect of main frequencies on characterizing fault   damage-zones using forward modeling and attribute of variance. Interpretation,   2020, 8(4): SP157-SP165.  

180.Ding   Y., Du Q.Z., Li-Yun Fu, and Jian S.K. Reliability analysis of seismic attribute   in the detection of fault-karst. Interpretation, 2020, 8(4): SP61-SP70.  

181.Wang Z.Y., Huang J.P., Li Z.C., Li-Yun Fu, Luo   W.Q., and Mu X.R. Velocity model estimation of karstic fault reservoirs using   full waveform inversion accelerated on GPU. Interpretation, 2020,   8(4): SP191–SP203. 

182.Yu H., Gong L.K., Qu Z.Y., Hao P., Liu J.L., and Li-Yun Fu. Wettability enhancement of   hydrophobic artificial sandstones by using the pulsed microwave plasma jet.Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2020, 36: 100266.  

183.Zhao Q., Du Q.Z., Li Q.Q., Li-Yun Fu. Robust dictionary learning for erratic noise-corrupted   seismic data reconstruction. Acta Geophysica, 2020, 68(3):   687–700.  

184.简世凯,符力耘,王志伟,韩同城,刘建林. 龙马溪组页岩数字岩芯动态法弹性等效数值建模. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7):   2786-2799.

185.曹呈浩, 符力耘, 付博烨. 一种基于3D复杂介质的弹性建模数值方法. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7): 2836-2845.

186.刘宁, 符力耘, 曹呈浩, 刘建林. 龙马溪组页岩数字岩芯LSM-RVM数值建模方法研究及TOC含量影响分析. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7):   2774-2785.

187.付博烨,符力耘, 曹呈浩, 韩同城. 基于固体替换模型的有机质含量对页岩弹性性质的影响分析. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7):   2823-2835.

188.饶颖, 符力耘, 吴玉, Boateng C. 基于微结构-尺度双分解的页岩随机介质模拟和非均质特征分析. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7):   2800-2809.

189.任舒波, 韩同城, 符力耘. 不同压力下部分饱和砂岩纵波衰减的理论及实验研究. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(7):   2722-2736.

190.张树奎, 杜启振, 孙文涵, 李钊, 李向阳, 符力耘. 基于应力偏量的横波纯应力逆时偏移成像方法.地球物理学报, 2020, 63(11): 4168-4175.

191.李博, 韩同城, 符力耘. 基于数字岩芯的含裂隙储层砂岩介电性质研究. 地球物理学报, 2020,   63(12): 4578-4591.

192.常紫娟,魏伟,符力耘,苏俊,孙伟家. “宽频带、宽方位和高密度陆上三维地震观测系统聚焦分辨率分析.地球物理学报, 2020,   63(10): 3868-3885.

193.陈宝书,吴玉,陶杰,管西竹,刘春城,符力耘. 基于几何级数展开的鬼波压制方法. 应用声学, 2020, 1: 29-35.

194.李帆, 巴晶, 符力耘, 檀文慧,   于庭, 曹青业. 页岩可压裂性声学模型及应用. 应用声学, 2020, 1: 45-53.

195.肖爽, 巴晶, 符力耘, 郭强, 张琳, 雒聪. 基于高斯先验和马尔科夫随机场约束的非线性叠前地震反演研究及应用. 地球物理学进展, 2020, 35(6):   2250-2258.

196.杨秋野,张艳,符力耘,张旺,胡俊华,黄辅琼,曹呈浩. 应力变化与流体(水位、水温、水化学、土壤气等)变化的耦合机理及其在川滇地区地震前兆研究中的应用. 地球物理学进展, 2020, 35(6): 2124-2133.

197.刘国章, 魏伟, 符力耘,孙伟家. 基于最小二乘偏移的地震分辨率分析. 地球物理学进展, 2020, 35 (6): 2171-2180.

198.周欣, 巴晶, 符力耘, 张琳, 曹青业, 余村. 页岩脆性评价岩石物理模型及地震预测. 地球物理学进展, 2020, 35 (5): 1736-1744.

199.王继鑫,荣棉水, 符力耘, 傅磊. 用微动台阵记录联合反演场地浅层速度结构—以唐山响堂台3#场地为例. 地震地质, 2020,   42 (6): 1335-1353.



200.Zhang Y., Wang C.H., Li-Yun Fu, Zhao B., and Ma Y.C. Unexpected far-field   hydrological response to a great earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science   Letters, 2019, 519: 202-212. 

201.Sun W.J., Zhao L., Malusà M.G., Guillot S., and Li-Yun Fu. 3-D Pn tomography reveals continental subduction at the boundaries of   the Adriatic microplate in the absence of a precursor oceanic slab.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2019, 510:131-141. 

202.Guo J.X., Han T.C.,   Li-Yun Fu, Xu D.H., and Fang X.D. Effective elastic properties of rocks   with transversely isotropic background permeated by aligned penny-shaped   cracks. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2019, 124:   400-424. 

203.Carcione J.M., Cavallini F., Wang E.J., Ba J., and Li-Yun Fu.Physics and simulation of wave   propagation in linear thermoporoelastic media. Journal of Geophysical Research   - Solid Earth, 2019, 124: 8147-8166.    

204.Sun W.J., Li-Yun   Fu, Wei W., and Tang Q.Y. A new seismic daylight imaging method for   determining the structure of lithospheric discontinuity. Science China Earth Sciences,   2019, 61: 521-536.   https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-018-9249-3.

205.Yang J., Li-Yun   Fu, Zhang W.Q., and Wang Z.W. Mechanical property and thermal damage   factor of limestone at high temperature. International   Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019,   117:11-19.  

206.Zhang L., Ba J., Li-Yun   Fu, Carcione J.M., Cao C.H. Estimation of pore microstructure by using   the static and dynamic moduli. International Journal of Rock Mechanics   and Mining Sciences, 2019, 113: 24-30. 

207.Chen G.X., Li-Yun   Fu, Chen K.F., Boateng C.D., and Ge S.C. Adaptive ground clutter   reduction in GPR data based on principal component analysis.IEEE   Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,   2019, 57: 3271-3282. 

208.Li Q.Q., Li-Yun   Fu, Wei W., Sun W.J., Du Q.Z., and Feng Y.S. Stable and high-efficiency   attenuation compensation in reverse-time migration using wavefield   decomposition algorithm. IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 16 (10):1615-1619.  

209.Cheng W., Ba J., Li-Yun   Fu, and Lebedev M. Wave-velocity dispersion and rock microstructure. Journal   of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2019, 183: 106466.  

210.Yang J., Li-Yun   Fu, Fu B.Y., Wang Z.W., and Hou W.T. On the nonlinear temperature   dependence of elastic constants and wave velocities for solid media with   applications to geologic materials. Journal of the Acoustical Society of   America, 2019, 146: 1556-1567.  

211.Han T.C., Xu D.H., Li-Yun   Fu, and Li F.L. The role of spheroidal inclusions on the electrical   anisotropy of transversely isotropic rocks. Geophysical Journal   International, 2019, 218: 508-518.  

212.Wei J. and Li-Yun   Fu. Evaluation of the hypersingular boundary integral equation for   acoustic wave propagation simulations. Geophysics, 2019, 84(6): A53-A58.

213.Zhao Q., Du Q.Z. Gong X.F., Li X.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Chen Y.K. Normalized   shaping regularization for robust separation of blended data. Geophysics,   2019, 84: V281-V293.  

214.Carcione J.M., Wang Z.W., Ling W.C., Salusti E., Ba J.,   andLi-Yun Fu.   Simulation of wave propagation in linear thermoelastic media. Geophysics, 2019, 84: T1-T11.  

215.Li Q.Q., Li-Yun   Fu, Zhou H., Wei W., and Hou W.T. Effective Q compensated reserve time   migration using new decoupled fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic wave   equation. Geophysics, 2019, 84, S57-S69. 

216.Cao C.H., Li-Yun   Fu, Ba J., and Zhang Y. Frequency- and   incident-angle-dependent P-wave   properties influenced by dynamic stress interactions in fractured porous media. Geophysics, 2019, 84:MR173-MR184. 

217.Guo Y.D., Huang J.P., Cui C., Li Z.C., Li-Yun Fu, and Li Q.Q. Multi-source multi-scale source independent full waveform   Inversion.Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2019, 16: 479-492.

218.Sun W.J., Zhao L., Wei Y., and Li-Yun Fu. Detection of seismic events on Mars: a lunar   perspective. Earth and Planetary Physics, 2019, 3: 290-297.

219.Sun W.J., Kennett B., Zhao L., and Li-Yun Fu. Continental lithospheric layering beneath stable,   modified, and destroyed cratons from seismic daylight imaging, in Yuan H.Y.   and Romanowicz B., Ed.,Lithospheric Discontinuities, Geophysical Monograph 239. American Geophysical Union, Published  2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

220.张艳, 符力耘, 陈学忠, 曹呈浩, 赵连锋, 马玉川. 相邻两井对大地震的不同水力响应模型研究—页岩影响分析, 地球物理学报, 2019, 62: 143-158.

221.辛秀艳,董凤树,符力耘,全海燕,罗敏学,胡斌,岳悦. X模式单道成像与观测系统重复性关系下的多道观测系统重复性. 地球物理学报, 2019, 62: 1849-1860.  

222.张旺, 张艳, 符力耘, 曹呈浩, 赵连锋, 龚丽文. 重庆地区侏罗系中统泥岩流体井的水力响应模型研究.地球物理学进展, 2019, 34(5): 1826-1834.

223.张晓语, 杜启振, 符力耘. 基于包络反演的高低波数同步反演方法. 石油物探, 2019,58(5): 700-708.



224.Fu B.Y., Guo G.X., Li-Yun   Fu, Glubokovskikh S., Galvin R.J., and Gurevich B. Seismic dispersion   and attenuation in saturated porous rocks with aligned slit cracks.   Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid   Earth, 2018, 123: 6890-6910.  

225.Sun W.J., Li-Yun   Fu, Saygin E., and Zhao L. Insights into layering in the cratonic   lithosphere beneath Western Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research   - Solid Earth, 2018, 123: 1405-1418.  

226.Fu B.Y. and Li-Yun   Fu. Poro-acoustoelasticity with compliant pores for fluid-saturated   rocks. Geophysics, 2018, 83: WC1-WC14.  

227.Meng W.J. and Li-Yun   Fu. Dispersion analysis of discontinuous Galerkin method with different   basis functions for acoustic and elastic wave equations. Geophysics, 2018, 83:   T87-T101.  

228.Liu B., Li-Yun   Fu, Yu G.X., and Chen G.X. Quantitative analysis of near-surface seismologic   complexity based on the generalized Lipmann-Schwinger matrix equation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 2018, 108:   278-290.   

229.Chen G.X., Li-Yun   Fu, Wei W., and Sun W.J. Wavefield interpolation in 3D large-step Fourier   wavefield extrapolation. Geophysical Prospecting,   2018, 66: 311-326.  

230.Hu J.H., Li-Yun   Fu, Wei W., and Zhang Y. Stress-associated intrinsic and scattering attenuation   from laboratory ultrasonic measurements on shales. Pure   and Applied Geophysics, 2018, 175:929-962.  

231.Cao C.H., Ba J., and Li-Yun Fu. Poroelastic analysis of mesoscopic flow interactions   in layered porous media.Journal of Applied   Geophysics, 2018, 155: 78-92.

232.Xiao T.J., Liu Y., Wang Y., and Li-Yun Fu. Three-dimensional magnetotelluric modeling in   anisotropic media using edge-based finite element method. Journal   of Applied Geophysics, 2018, 149: 1-9.  

233.Su J., Li-Yun Fu,   Wei W., Hu J.H, and Sun W.J. Focal beam analysis for 3D acquisition   geometries in complex media with GPU implementation. Computers & Geosciences,   2018,118: 39-51.

234.Boateng C. and Li-Yun   Fu. Analysis of reservoir heterogeneities and depositional environments:   a new method. Exploration Geophysics,   2018, 49(6): 868-880.  

235.王志伟, 符力耘, 张艳, 魏伟. 龙马溪组页岩数字岩芯超声响应数值模拟及散射特征分析. 地球物理学报, 2018, 61: 1069-1082.  

236.周浩, 符力耘.超声实验中谱比法衰减的散射与本征吸收特性.地球物理学报, 2018, 61: 1083-1094.

237.荣棉水, 符力耘, 李小军. 基于单台加速度记录的混合全局优化HVSR反演场地浅层速度结构.地球物理学报, 2018, 61: 938-947.  

238.孙伟家, 符力耘, 魏伟, 林羿, 唐清雅. 中国东部地区的壳-幔过渡带结构.   地球物理学报,   2018, 61: 845-855.



239.Ba J., Xu W.H., Li-Yun   Fu, Carcione J.M., and Zhang L. Rock anelasticity due to   patchy-saturation and fabric heterogeneity: A double double-porosity model of   wave propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2017, 122: 1949–1976.    

240.Fu B.Y. and Li-Yun   Fu. Poro-acoustoelastic constants based on Padé approximation.   Journal   of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017,   142: 2890-2904.  

241.Hu J.H., Li-Yun   Fu, Sun W.J., Zhang Y. A study of the Coulomb stress and seismicity rate   changes induced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,   2017, 135: 303-319.  

242.Rong M.S., Li-Yun   Fu, Wang Z.M., and Li X.J. On the amplitude discrepancy of HVSR and site   amplification from strong motion observations. Bulletin of the Seismological   Society of America. 2017, 107: 2873-2884.

243.Zhang Y., Wang C.Y., Li-Yun Fu, Yan R., and Chen X. Mechanism of the coseismic change   of volumetric strain in the far field of earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological   Society of America, 2017, 107: 475-481.

244.Meng W.J. and Li-Yun   Fu. The seismic wavefield simulation by a modified finite element method   with the PML absorbing boundary. Journal of   Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14:   852-864.

245.Boateng C., Li-Yun   Fu, Wu Y., and Guan X.Z. Porosity inversion by Caianiello neural   networks with Levenberg-Marquardt optimization.Interpretation,   2017, 5: SL33-SL42.

246.Guan X.Z., Li-Yun   Fu, Sun W.J. Acoustic viscoelastic modeling by frequency-domain boundary   element method. Earthquake   Science,   2017, 30: 97-105.

247.Chen G.X., Li-Yun   Fu, Chen K.F., Sun W.J., Wei W., and Guan X.Z. Calculation of the seismic   imaging complexity of complex geological structures. Journal   of Seismic Exploration, 2017, 26: 81-104.

248.Zhang Y., Li-Yun   Fu, Zhao L.F., and Chen X.Z. Coupling mechanism of   volume strain and water level in the Fuxin well located in a geothermal area   before and after the 2011 Mw 9.1 Tohoku earthquake. Acta Geodyn. Geomater.,   2017, 14: 61-71.

249.吴玉, 符力耘, 陈高祥. 基于分数阶拉普拉斯算子解耦的粘声介质地震正演模拟与逆时偏移. 地球物理学报, 2017, 60: 1527-1537.

250.陈高祥, 符力耘, 于更新, 管西竹, 葛双成. 近地表地震地质复杂性的一种定量分析方法. 地球物理学报, 2017, 60: 1062-1072.

