


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2018-09-06 浏览次数:17863







»电子邮箱:quyingming@upc.edu.cn;  qym214@126.com









2016-2017,美国莱斯大学,地球科学系,导师:Alan Levander教授










Journal of   Applied Geophysics副主编

Exploration   Geophysics副主编

Applied   Geophysics编委

Petroleum Science》、《China Daily》、《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》、《石油物探》、《东北石油大学学报》等杂志青年编委









担任 GeophysicsIEEE TGRSPetroleum ScienceGJIJAGEGJGEAG等杂志、SEGEAGE会议、《地球物理学报》、《石油地球物理勘探》和《石油物探》等国内外著名期刊的学术论文审稿工作。










[1] 油气地球物理,中国科协青年托举工程项目,主持

[2] 山东省泰山学者项目,主持

[3] 面向地质目标的黏弹各向异性最小二乘逆时偏移,国家自然基金面上项目,主持

[4] 崎岖海底界面环境的声-黏弹耦合介质成像,国家自然基金青年项目,主持

[5] 复杂海洋环境天然气水合物储层的多参数地震反演成像,山东省自然基金,主持

[6] 复杂油气藏地震成像, 卓越青年人才专项,主持

[7] 面向山前带低信噪比数据的黏声最小二乘逆时偏移,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,主持

[8] 黏介质起伏地表反演成像方法,beat365官网手机中文版人才引进经费,主持

[9] -黏弹耦合介质多分量最小二乘逆时偏移,海洋石油勘探国家工程实验室开放基金课题,主持

[10] 黏介质起伏地表正演模拟与反演成像方法研究,中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金,主持

[11] 沙漠区可控震源采集黑三角噪音机理与组合压制研究,中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金,主持

[12] 沙漠区可控震源特殊噪音形成机理与压制技术研究,中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金,主持

[13] 黏弹各向异性介质多参数最小二乘逆时偏移,中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金,主持

[14] 双复杂条件下的多参数全波形反演研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,主持

[15] 双复杂构造正演模拟及混叠数据反演成像方法研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,主持

[16] 三维黏性双相介质有限差分正演模拟与波场分离,中国石化地球物理重点实验室开放基金,主持

[17] 复杂地表条件下海相储层地震波场模拟及观测系统优化,中石化石油工程与地球物理公司,主持

    [18] 可控震源“黑三角”噪音形成机理及压制方法,中石化石油工程与地球物理公司委托项目,主持

[19] 深层复杂碳酸盐岩速度建模及偏移方法研究,中国石油天然气股份有限公司西南油气田分公司勘探开发研究院,主持

[20] 复杂近地表可控震源激发波场数值模拟,中石化石油工程与地球物理公司委托项目,主持

[21] 高精度地震数据智能处理与综合解释软件研发,大型石油工业软件研发与应用项目,专题长

[22] 深度域高精度地震成像与解释技术,中石化“揭榜挂帅”项目,专题长

[23] 面向高陡断层及小尺度缝洞体的黏声各向异性最小二乘逆时偏移方法研究,国家自然基金面上基金,参与

[24] 面向深部储层的时空域自适应高斯束成像理论方法及优化,国家自然基金面上基金,参与

[25] 叠前数据挖掘与储层参数非线性预测,国家自然基金面上基金,参与

[26] 基于微分对策的鲁棒滤波及其在地面微地震监测中的应用,国家自然基金面上基金,参与

[27] 复杂介质粘声多次波最小二乘逆时偏移方法研究,国家自然基金青年基金,参与

[28] 主流深度域成像方法理论剖析与评价体系研究,胜利战略合作课题,第二负责人

[29] 塔里木盆地深层复杂高陡构造与碳酸盐岩储层地震速度建模及成像关键技术研究,中石油战略合作课题,副专题长,课题秘书

[30]  OVT   域深度偏移成像方法评价技术,胜利物探院委托项目,第二负责人



[1] 面向深部油气储层的高精度地震成像关键技术,山东省科技进步奖. (排名第5

[2] 油气勘探地球物理,刘光鼎地球物理青年科学技术奖. (排名第1,独立)

[3] 低品质数据驱动的高精度地震成像技术,地球物理学会科技进步奖. (排名第2

[4] 基于深度学习与信息融合的高精度地震成像关键技术及工业应用,中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步奖. (排名第3

[5] 深层-超深层地震智能处理与高分辨率反演成像关键技术及规模化应用,中国石油与化学工业联合会科技进步奖.(第5

[6] 超深层窄断背斜带高产井地震储层预测关键技术,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步奖.(排名第5

[7] 面向深部油气储层的复杂地质体成像关键技术. 山东地学科技创新奖.(排名第1,独立)

[8] 超深部油气储层的微弱地震信号正演、成像方法及应用技术. 山东省研究生科技创新成果奖一等奖(排名第1,独立)

[9] 可控震源特征噪音压制及混叠数据成像研究. 中国地球物理学会优秀博士论文奖. (排名第1,独立)

[10] SEG Workshop Best Presentation.(排名第1,独立)

[11] 基于时空双变的映射法弹性波正演模拟方法. 第二十九届中国地球物理学术年会优秀论文奖.(排名第1,独立)

[12] 双复杂构造地震波正演模拟与成像. 全国油气勘探地球物理学研究生论坛三等奖.(排名第1,独立)

[13] 基于纵横波解耦的双相介质弹性波逆时偏移. 中国石油学会特等奖. (排名第2


























 Petroleum Science》优秀青年编委





[1] 曲英铭,李振春,李金丽. 可控震源谐波干扰产生机理与压制方法. beat365官网手机中文版出版社.

[2] 曲英铭,李金丽,李振春,刘建勋. 复杂介质与低品质数据最小二乘逆时偏移方法. beat365官网手机中文版出版社

[3] 曲英铭,魏国华,李振春. 起伏地表条件下的地震偏移成像理论与方法. 科学出版社

[4] 孙小东,曲英铭. 地震成像基础. 浙江大学出版社



GeophysicsIEEE TGRS、国内外会议上发表论文136篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI期刊论文38篇,发表EI检索期刊、SEG会议、EAGE会议论文40余篇,部分代表性论文如下


[1] Y. Qu*,   J. Li, Z. Guan, and Z. Li, 2022, Viscoacoustic reverse time migration of   joint primaries and different-order multiples: Geophysics, 85, no. 2,   S71-S87. doi: 10.1190/geo2019-0237.1.

[2] Y. Qu*,   Y. Wang, Z. Li, and C. Liu, 2021, Q least-squares reverse time migration   based on the first-order viscoacoustic quasidifferential equations: Geophysics,   86, no. 4, S283-S298. doi: 10.1190/geo2020-0712.1.

[3] Y. Qu*,   J. Zhu, Z. Chen, C. Huang, Y. Wang, and C. Liu, 2022, Q-compensated   least-squares reverse time migration with velocity-anisotropy correction   based on the first-order velocity-pressure equations: Geophysics, 87,   no. 6, S335-S350. doi: 10.1190/ geo2021-0689.1.

[4] Y. Qu*,   C. Huang, C. Liu, and Z. Li, 2021, Full-Path Compensated Least-Squares   Reverse Time Migration of Joint Primaries and Different-Order Multiples for   Deep-Marine Environment: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing, 59, no. 8, 7109-7121. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3024189.

[5] Y. Qu*,   Z. Li, Z. Guan, C. Liu, and J. Sun, 2021, Topography-Dependent Q-Compensated   Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration of Prismatic Waves: IEEE Transactions   on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 5908314. doi: 10.1109/ TGRS.2021.3125830.

[6] Y. Qu*,   and J. Li, 2019, Q-compensated reverse time migration in viscoacoustic media   including surface topography: Geophysics, 84, no. 4, S201-S217. doi:   10.1190/geo 2018-0313.1.

[7] Y. Qu*,   Z. Guan, J. Li, and Z. Li, 2020, Fluid-solid coupled full-waveform inversion   in the curvilinear coordinates for ocean-bottom cable data: Geophysics,   85, no. 3, R113–R133. doi: 10.1190/geo2018-0743.1.

[8] Z. Li,   and Y. Qu*, 2022, Research progress on seismic imaging technology: Petroleum   Science, 19, no. 1, 128-146. doi: 10.1016/ j.petsci.2022.01.015.

[9] Y. Qu*,   J. Li, Y. Li, and Z. Li, 2023, Joint Acoustic and Decoupled-Elastic   Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration for Simultaneously Using Water-Land   Dual-Detector Data: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,   61, 5909511. doi: 10. 1109/TGRS.2023.3270930.

[10] Y.   Wang, C. Huang, and Y. Qu*, 2023, M. Li, and J. Li, Velocity-Adaptive   Irregular Point Spread Function Deconvolution Imaging Using X-Shaped   Denoising Diffusion Filtering: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing, 61, 5916808. doi: 10. 1109/TGRS.2023.3303184.

[11] Y.   Qu*, J. Ren, C. Huang, Z. Li, Y. Wang, and C. Liu, 2021, 3-D   Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration in Curvilinear-τ Domain: IEEE   Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 5908214. doi:   10.1109/TGRS.2021.3126002.

[12] J. Li, Y.   Qu*, Y. Li, C. Huang, Z. Li, 2024, Ocean bottom dual-sensor Q-compensated   elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on viscoacoustic and   separated-viscoelastic coupled equations. Geophysics, 89(3), 1-65.   doi: 10.1190/geo2023-0433.1

[13] Y.   Qu*, J. Huang, Z. Li, and J. Li, 2017, A hybrid grid method in an   auxiliary coordinate system for irregular fluid-solid interface modelling: Geophysical   Journal International, 208, no. 3, 1540-1556. doi: 10. 1093/gji/ggw429.

[14] Y.   Qu*, J. Li, J. Huang, and Z. Li, 2018, Elastic least-squares reverse time   migration with velocities and density perturbation: Geophysical Journal   International, 212, no. 2, 1033-1056. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx468.

[15] Y.   Qu*, Z. Li, J. Huang, J. Li, and Z. Guan, 2017, Elastic full-waveform   inversion for surface topography: Geophysics, 82, no. 5, R269-R285,   doi: 10.1190/geo2016-0349.1.

[16] Y.   Qu*, J. Huang, Z. Li, Z. Guan, and J. Li, 2017, Attenuation compensation   in anisotropic least-squares reverse time migration: Geophysics, 82,   no. 6, S411-S423, doi: 10.1190/geo2016-0677.1.

[17] Y.   Qu*, Z. Guan and Z. Li, 2019, Topographic elastic least-squares reverse   time migration based on vector P- and S-wave equations in the curvilinear   coordinates: Geophysical Prospecting, 86, no. 5, 1271-1295, doi:   10.1111/1365-2478.12775.

[18] J. Li, Y.   Qu*, M. Li, and Z. Li, 2022, Viscoacoustic least-squares reverse-time   migration of different-order free-surface multiples: Geophysical   Prospecting, 71, no. 1, 29-47. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.13274.

[19] J. Li,   J. Zhu, Y. Qu*, Z. Yang, and Z. Li, 2024, Elastic full-waveform   inversion based on the double-cross-shaped discrete flux-corrected transport:   Geophysical Prospecting, 72, no. 2, 468-483. doi: 10.   1111/1365-2478.13420.

[20] J. Li,   Bo Ma, Y. Qu*, J. Zhu, and C. Liu, 2024, Steeply dipping structural   target oriented viscoacoustic prismatic reverse time migration in frequency   domain and its application: Geophysical Prospecting, 72, no. 2, 367-   377. doi: 10.1111/ 1365-2478.13409.

[21] Sun,   W., Li, Z., Qu, Y., 2022, The 3D conical Radon transform for seismic   signal processing. Geophysics, 87(5), V481-V504.


[22] 曲英铭, 李金丽, 李振春等.最小二乘逆时偏移中黏弹性和各向异性的校正:以渤海湾地区地震数据为例[J]. 地球物理学报, 2019,   62(06): 2203-2216.

[23] 曲英铭, 黄建平, 李振春, 李庆洋, 赵金良, 李秀芝, 2015, 分层坐标变换法起伏自由地表弹性波叠前逆时偏移. 地球物理学报, 58(8),   544-560.

[24] Qu,   Y., Huang, J., Li, Z., Li, J., 2016, Prismatic and full-waveform joint   inversion. Applied Geophysics, 13(3), 511-518.

[25] Qu,   Y., Sun, J., Li, Z., et al., 2019, Forward modeling of ocean bottom cable   data and wave-mode separation in fluid–solid elastic media with irregular   seabed. Applied Geophysics, 15(3-4), 432–447.

[26] Qu,   Y., Huang, J., Li, J., 2020, Elastic reverse-time migration in irregular   tunnel environment based on polar coordinates. Applied Geophysics, 17(2),   468476.

[27] Qu,   Y., Huang, C., Liu C., Zhou C., Li, Z., Worral, Q., 2019, Zhenchun Li,   Jianping Huang, Haipeng Li. 2019, Multiparameter least-squares reverse time   migration for acoustic–elastic coupling media based on ocean bottom cable   data. Applied Geophysics, 16(3), 327–337.

[28] Sun, W., Li,   Z., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., 2019, Multiple attenuation using λf   domain high-order and high-resolution Radon transform based on SL0 norm. Applied   Geophysics, 16(4), 473–482.

[29] K.   Chen, S. Han, Q. Ran, L. Wen, G. Zhang, and Y. Qu*. 2023, Steeply   dipping structural target-oriented viscoacoustic least- squares reverse time   migration and its application: Applied Geophysics, 19, no. 4, 528-536.


[30] Qu,   Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2017, Viscoacoustic anisotropic full   waveform inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 136, 484-497.

[31] Qu,   Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2016, Multi-scale full waveform inversion   for areas with irregular surface topography in an auxiliary coordinate   system. Exploration Geophysics. 49(1), 70-82.

[32] Qu,   Y., Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2017, An elastic full waveform inversion   based on wave-mode separation. Exploration Geophysics. 52(4): 422-444.

[33] Qu   Y., Zhou C., Liu C., et al., 2020, P- and S-wave separated elastic   reverse time migration for OBC data from fluid-solid coupled media with   irregular seabed interfaces. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 172:   103882.

[34] Qu,   Y., Liu, C., Huang, C., Zhou, C. Sun, J., and Li, Z., 2021, Elastic   reverse time migration of prismatic waves for surface topography based on   decoupled elastic wave equations in the curvilinear coordinates. Exploration   Geophysics, 52(4), 369-387.

[35] Wang,   Y., Qu, Y.*, 2021, Q-compensated full waveform inversion for velocity   and density, Exploration Geophysics, 53(5), 487-500.

[36] Qu,   Y., Qurmet, W. Zhou, C., et al., 2022, Acoustic-elastic coupled   least-squares reverse time migration in marine environment with rugged seabed   interface, Exploration Geophysics, 53(2), 169–185.

[37] Liu, C.,   Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Zeng S., Yang, T., and Zhao W., 2023, Staining algorithm for   least-squares reverse time migration: Journal   of Applied Geophysics, 219.

[38] Tao T.,   Qu, Y.*, Li Z., Dong Y., 2023. Viscoacoustic VTI media reverse time   migration method in the complex-domain based on the staining algorithm. Journal of Applied Geophysics.

[39] Liu,   C., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Zeng, S., Yang, T., and Zhao, W., 2023, Regional   staining reverse time migration algorithm based on energy-constrained   factors: Acta Geophysica.





[40]   Li, J, Qu, Y, Li, Z., et al., Joint acoustic and separated-elastic   least-squares reverse time migration for simultaneously using water-land   dual-detector data. 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. European   Association of Geoscientists & Engineers, 维也纳奥地利2023.

[41]   Wang Y, Qu Y, Huang C, et al.   Image domain seismic inversion based on multi-combined point spread function.   84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. European Association of   Geoscientists & Engineers, 维也纳,奥地利2023.

[42]   Wang Y, Qu Y, Huang C, et al.   Velocity-adaptive irregular point spread function deconvolution imaging. 84th   EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition. European Association of   Geoscientists & Engineers, 维也纳,奥地利2023.

[43]   Huang C, Qu Y, Li M, et al. A   high-resolution point-spread function deconvolution imaging method based on   Gaussian smoothing X-shaped denoising diffusion filtering operator. 84th EAGE   Annual Conference & Exhibition. European Association of Geoscientists   & Engineers, 维也纳,奥地利2023.

[44]    Jianggui Zhu; Yingming Qu;   Q-Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration with Velocity-Anisotropy Correction   Based on the First-Order Velocity-Pressure Equations, 83rd EAGE Annual   Conference & Exhibition, 马德里,西班牙, 2022.

[45]    Jianggui Zhu; Yingming Qu;   Zhenchun Li; Chang Liu; Bo Ma; Elastic Full Waveform Inversion Based on an Optimized   Flux-Corrected Transport, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 马德里,西班牙, 2022.

[46]    Bo Ma; Yingming Qu; Qi   Ran; Kang Chen; Song Han; Zhenchun Li; Viscoacoustic Least-Squares Reverse   Time Migration Method and Application for Steering Geological Targets with   Steep Dip Angles, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 马德里,西班牙, 2022.

[47]     Chongpeng Huang; Yingming   Qu; Zhenchun Li; Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration Using the Safe   Type-Ⅰ Anderson Acceleration, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 马德里,西班牙, 2022.

[48]     Chongpeng Huang; Yingming   Qu; Zhenchun Li; A new reverse time migration denoising method based on diffusion   filtering with X-shaped denoising operator, Meeting for Applied Geoscience   & Energy, 2022, 休斯顿,美国, 2022.

[49]     Bo Ma; Yingming Qu;   Zhenchun Li; Jianggui Zhu; Chang Liu; RTM method of prismatic-waves under the   undulating surface_ a case study of the LongmenPiedmont, Second International   Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 休斯顿,美国, 2022.

[50]    J. Li; Yingming Qu;   Chongpeng Huang; Zhenchun Li; Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration   by considering velocity and Q perturbations, Second International Meeting for   Applied Geoscience & Energy, 休斯顿,美国, 2022.

[51]   Yingming Qu; Chang   Zhou; Chang Liu; Zhenzhong Chen; Kai Xu; Q-compensated least-squares reverse   time migration of different-order multiples, 82nd EAGE Conference &   Exhibition, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰, 2021.

[52]   Chongpeng Huang; Yingming Qu;   Zhencun Li; 3D Encoding Least-squares Reverse Time Migration in Curvilinear-r   Domain Based on Student’s t Distribution, 82nd EAGE Annual Conference &   Exhibition, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰, 2021

[53]   Jingru Ren; Yingming Qu; A   Dynamic Sampling Fwi Method Based on 3d Seismic Wave Reverse Illumination,   82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 2021.

[54]   Yixin Wang; Yingming Qu; Zhenchun Li;   Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration with Density Disturbance Based on the   First-Order Viscoacoustic Quasi-Differential Equations, 82nd EAGE Annual   Conference & Exhibition, 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 2021.

[55]   Qurmet; Yingming Qu; Zhenchun   Li; J. Li; Chang Liu; Junzhi Sun; Chongpeng Huang; Elastic Least-Squares   Reverse Time Migration in the Rugged Seabed Structure, 82nd EAGE Annual   Conference & Exhibition, 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 2021.

[56]   Wenzhi Sun; Zhenchun Li; Yingming Qu;   The 3D conical Radon transform for linear noise attenuation, SEG Technical   Program Expanded Abstracts 2020, 休斯顿,美国, 2020.

[57]   Yingming Qu, Chang   Zhou, Chang Liu et al. Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration of   different-order multiples, 82nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 2020.

[58]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., Deng, W., Li, J., The application of pseudospectral method and a   stable reverse-time propagator for viscoacoustic RTM. 85th SEG Annual   International Meeting, 4355-4359. 新奥尔良,美国,2015.

[59]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., Li, J., Anelastic Modeling for the Media with Irregular   Fluid-solid Interfaces. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition. 奥地利,维也纳,2016.

[60]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., Li, J., Viscoacoustic VTI Least Square Reverse Time Migration.   78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 奥地利,维也纳,2016.

[61]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., Li, J., Liu, B., Irregular surface FWI in an auxiliary coordinate   system based on the first-order velocity-stress equation. 86th SEG Annual   International Meeting, 1079-1083. 达拉斯,美国2016.

[62]   Qu, Y., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Han, Y., Li, Q., A Joint Waveform Inversion Strategy - Combing Full   Waveform Inversion with Prismatic Waveform Inversion. 77th EAGE Conference   and Exhibition. 马德里,西班牙, 2015.

[63]   Huang, J., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Li,   Q., Mapping forward modeling method based on dual-variable grid. 77th EAGE   Conference and Exhibition. 伦敦,英国, 2013.

[64]   Guo, Y. D., Huang, J. P., Li, Z. C., Qu,   Y. M.*, Hang, Y.T., Polarity encoding full waveform inversion with prior   model based on blend data. 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 奥地利,维也纳,2016.

[65]   Qu, Y., Li, Z., P-   and S-wave separated elastic reverse time migration for OBS data from   fluid-solid media with irregular sebed interfaces. 82th EAGE Conference and   Exhibition. 哥本哈根,丹麦,2018

[66]   Yingming Qu*, Zhenchun   Li, and Jianping Huang, viscoacoustic forward modelling for irregular surface   topography based on a second-order viscoacoustic quasi-differential equation   without memory variables. 88th SEG Annual International Meeting. 阿纳海姆,美国2018

[67]   Qu, Y., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Li, Q., Pre-stack Reverse Time Migration Based on layered   Mapping Method for Irregular Surface. 68th EAGE Conference and Exhibition. 马德里,西班牙, 2015.

[68]   Qu, Y., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Deng, W., A New Reverse Time Migration Method for   Viscoacoustic VTI Medium. 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 马德里,西班牙, 2015.

[69]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., et al., The least-squares reverse time migration for viscoacoustic   medium based on a stable reverse-time propagator. 85th SEG Annual   International Meeting, 3977-3980. 新奥尔良,美国,2015.

[70]   Qu, Y., Z. Li, W,   Qurmet, et al., Fluid-solid coupled elastic full waveform inversion in the   curvilinear coordinates for OBC data, 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 伦敦,英国,2019.

[71]   Qu, Y., Z. Li, et   al., 2019, Elastic forward modelling method for an irregular surface in the   curvilinear-polar coordinates, 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 伦敦,英国,2019.

[72]   Qu, Y., Z. Li, et   al., 2019, Elastic reverse time migration in irregular tunnel environment   based on polar coordinate system. 89th SEG Annual International Meeting. 圣安东尼奥,美国2019.

[73]   Qu, Y., Li, Z.,   Huang, J., Li, Q., Yang, Y., Li, J., 2015, Elastic wave modeling and   wavefield separation of irregular free-surface based on multiblock mapping   method. 85th SEG Annual International Meeting, 3724-3728. 马德里,西班牙, 2015.




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