


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2018-10-08 浏览次数:10459





»专业: 地质资源与地质工程









(1) 2002.09–2005.06, beat365官网手机中文版(华东), 地质资源与地质工程, 博士

(2) 1999.09–2002.06, 石油大学(华东), 矿产普查与勘探, 硕士

(3) 1995.09–1999.06, 石油大学(华东), 矿产普查与勘探, 学士



(1) 2016.01-至今, beat365官网手机中文版(华东), beat365官网手机中文版资源系, 教授

(2) 2014.06-2016.10, beat365官网手机中文版(北京), 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 博士后

(3) 2009.06-2010.06, 美国斯坦福大学,访问学者

(3) 2009.01-2015.12, beat365官网手机中文版(华东), beat365官网手机中文版资源系, 副教授

(4) 2005.07-2008.12, beat365官网手机中文版(华东), beat365官网手机中文版资源系, 讲师













1)      中石化胜利油田委托项目,东营凹陷东部古近系深层油气成藏过程研究,2022/5-2022/12,主持

2)      国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金重点项目,陆相湖盆页岩油储层形成演化过程与成因机制,2018/1-2021/12,参与

3)      中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项,塔里木盆地重点地区深层油气运移机理与富集模式,2017/1-2021/12,参与

4)      中石化胜利油田委托项目,东营凹陷凝析油气成藏条件研究,2020/08-2020/12,主持

5)      中石油勘探开发研究院委托项目,塔中碳酸盐岩中下组合油气成藏特征研究,2019/06-2020/12,主持

6)      新疆油田委托项目,中拐凸起周缘中下二叠统油气成藏规律研究,2019/06-2020/06,主持

7)      新疆油田委托项目,准中4区块头屯河组-齐古组储层成因与油气成藏规律研究, 2017/06-2019/06,参与

8)      中石油新疆油田委托项目,车拐地区火山岩油气成藏规律,2016/10-2017/12,主持

9)      国家自然科学基金项目,深层高-过成熟天然气藏来源,原位裂解成因判别及其古油藏充注途径示踪研究:以乐山-龙女寺古隆起为例,2016/01-2019/12,主持

10)   国家重点基础研究计划(973 计划),致密油(页岩油)赋存与运聚机理,2014/01-2018/12,参与

11)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,埕岛地区油气富集规律与勘探实践,2013/10-2014/05,主持

12)   国家自然科学基金项目,湖相页岩体油气赋存机制与含油气性定量表征,2013/01-2016/12主持

13)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,哈山地区二叠系源岩演化与资源潜力,2012/10-2013/10,主持

14)   山东省自然科学基金项目,山东东部湖相页岩气形成机制与成藏条件,2011/1-2013/12,主持

15)   中石油新疆油田委托项目,准噶尔盆地火山岩油气成藏机理与勘探实践,2011/01-2013/12,参与

16)   中石油新疆油田委托项目,准噶尔盆地中拐地区二叠系致密砂岩气藏成藏机理,2011/01-2012/12,参与

17)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,烃源岩排烃物理模拟实验,2011/01-2011/10,主持

18)   国家自然科学基金项目,超压湖盆原油裂解成气门限及动力学模型,2008/01-2011/12,主持

19)   山东省自然科学基金,山东东部超压湖盆裂解气形成机制及资源潜力研究,2008/01-2011/12,主持

20)   胜利油田委托项目,胜利山东探区中深层天然气富集控制因素与勘探方向研究,2006/01-2008/12,参与

21)   中石油青海油田委托项目,柴达木盆地东部侏罗系和第四系油气成藏机理和有利勘探方向,2006/01-2006/12,参与

22)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,惠民凹陷油气成藏规律及勘探方向研究,2005/01-2005/12,参与

23)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,阳信洼陷油气运聚地质模型,2004/01-2005/12,参与

24)   中石化胜利油田委托项目,济阳坳陷有效烃源岩形成与分布,2003/01-2005/12,参与

25)   中石油新疆油田委托项目,准噶尔盆地陆梁地区白垩系精细沉积相与油气成藏机理,2002/01-2003/12,参与



²  2021年,Marine and Petroleum Geology Outstanding Reviewer   Award.

²  2019年,教育部科技进步二等奖(10/30

²  2019年,《地质科技通报》优秀编委

²  2018年, AAPG Bulletin Outstanding Reviewer Award.

²  2015年,第十五届青年地质科技奖银锤奖

²  2015年,山东省青年地质科技奖

²  2018年,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖(11/15)

²  2018年,教育部科技进步二等奖(10/15)

²  2017年,中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖(3/10)

²  2017年,青岛市政府科技进步一等奖(2/10

²  2013年,山东省科技进步一等奖(9/12)

²  2013年,教育部科技进步二等奖(9/15)

²  2013年,全国有机地化学术会议中青年优秀论文奖

²  2011年,全国有机地化学术会议中青年优秀论文奖

²  2008年,东营市科技进步一等奖(9/15)

²  2005年,山东省首届研究生优秀成果奖(博士论文)

²  2002年,山东省优秀硕士论文






²    陈中红,查明. 盆地流体与油气成藏. 北京:科学出版社,2013

²    陈中红, 查明. 断陷湖盆烃源岩排烃机理与模型. 山东:beat365官网手机中文版出版社,2011

²    油气地球化学(教材),石油工业出版社,参编。

²    Chen Z H. Chapter “Formation Pressure   System and its Controlling on the Petroleum Generation, Migration and   Accumulation-An Example from Dongying Basin in China”, p 106-138, in   “Advances In Petroleum Engineering” edited by K.K Plant, S Sinha, S Bajpai   and J.N.Govil. Studium Press LLC, Houston USA2014,   12.

²    断陷盆地油气输导体系与油气成藏作用.beat365官网手机中文版出版社,2010,4/4

²    火山岩油气成藏机理与勘探技术.北京:科学出版社,2013,9/15,统稿人

²    火山岩形成分布与储集作用.北京:地质出版社,2012,9/15,统稿人

²    火山岩油藏:以准噶尔盆地中拐地区为例。石油工业出版社,2019,4/12,统稿人


论文(合140余篇,近些年部分如下, *为通讯作者)

[1]        Rongzhen Qiao, Zhonghong Chen*. Petroleum phase evolution at high temperature: A   combined study of oil cracking experiment and deep oil in Dongying Depression,   eastern China. Fuel 326 (2022) 124978.

[2]        Zhonghong Chen*, Jianing Xie,   Rongzhen Qiao, Longwei Qiu, Yongqiang Yang, Zhigang Wen, Yaohui Xu, Youjun   Tang. Geochemistry and accumulation of Jurassic oil in the central Junggar   Basin, western China.Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering 216 (2022) 110855.

[3]        Zhonghong Chen*, Rongzhen Qiao,   Chenyi Li, Dongye Wang, Yang Gao. Hydrocarbon generation potential and model   of the deep lacustrine source rocks in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay   Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 140 (2022) 105656.

[4]        Rongzhen Qiao, Zhonghong Chen*, Chenyi Li, Dongye Wang, Yang Gao, Lanquan Zhao,   Youqiang Li, Jinyou Liu. Geochemistry and accumulation of petroleum in deep   lacustrine reservoirs: A case study of Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin.   Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 213 (2022) 110433

[5]        Zhi Chai, Zhonghong Chen*, Zhigang Wen, Youjun Tan, Bin Cheng, Mingpeng Li,   Moïse Luemba, Zepeng Wu, 2022. Light hydrocarbons and diamondoids in deep oil   from Tabei of Tarim Basin: Implications on petroleum alteration and mixing.   Marine and Petroleum Geology 138 (2022) 105565

[6]        Mingpeng Li, Zhonghong Chen*, Shiwei Yi, Shiguo Lin, Yang Gao, Fuxi   Huang,Yuanqi She, Rongzhen Qiao, 2021. Origin and accumulation mechanisms of   deep paleozoic oil and gas: A case study of the central Tarim basin, western   China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (2022)208, 109634.

[7]        Weijiang Yao, Zhonghong Chen*, Xuemei Dong, Tingting Hu, Zeliang Liang,   Chunming Jia, Tuo Pan, Haitao Yu, Yufang Dang. Storage space, pore–throat   structure of igneous rocks and the significanceto petroleum accumulation: An   example from Junggar Basin, western China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 133   (2021) 105270

[8]        Moïse Luemba, Zhonghong Chen*, Joseph Ntibahanana, 2021, Molecular markers of   Neoproterozoic-Lower Paleozoic petroleum systems and their geological   significance: A case study of the cratonic basins in western China. Journal   of Petroleum Science and Engineering 204 (2021) 108707.

[9]        Chen, Z.H.*, Chai, Z., Cheng,   B., Liu, H., Cao, Y.C., Cao, Z.C., and Qu, J.X., 2021. Geochemistry of   high-maturity crude oil and gas from deep reservoirs and their geological   significance: A case study on Shuntuoguole low uplift, Tarim Basin, western   China. AAPG Bulletin, v. 105, no. 1, pp. 65–107

[10]     Tang, Y.J., Chen Z.H.*, Simoneit, B.R.T., Wang, T.-G., Ni, Z.Y., Li, M.J.,   Wen, L., Yang, C.Y., 2021. Recognition of in situ oil cracking in the   Precambrian–Lower Cambrian petroleum systems of Sichuan basin, southwestern   China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 126, 104942https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104942   

[11]     Hu, T.T., Chen, Z.H.*, Dong, X.M., Yao, W.J., Liang, Z., Wu, K., Guan, J.,   Gao, M., Pang, Z., Li, S., Chen, L., Oil Origin, Charging History and Crucial   Controls in the Carboniferous of western Junggar Basin, China: Formation   Mechanisms for Igneous Rock Reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering 203 (2021) 108600, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108600.

[12]     Yao,W.J., Chen, Z.H.*, Hu, T.T., Liang, Z.L., Jia, C.M., Wu, K.Y., Pan,T.,   Yu, H., Dang, Y.F. Storage space, pore structure, and primary control of   igneous rock reservoirs in Chepaizi Bulge, Junggar Basin, western China:   Significance for oil accumulation. Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering 195 (2020) 107836.    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107836

[13]     Zepeng Wu, Zhonghong Chen*, Zicheng Cao, Hua Liu, Bin Cheng, Zhi ChaiMolecular marker   and carbon isotope geochemistry of ordovician oils in the Tuofutai Bulge,   northern Tarim Basin: Implications for oil maturity, source characteristics   and filling directionsMarine and   Petroleum Geology 122 (2020) 104718https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104718

[14]     Zhi Chai, Zhonghong Chen*, Hua Liu, Zicheng Cao, Bin Cheng, Zepeng Wu,   Jiangxiu Qu. Light hydrocarbons and diamondoids of light oils in deep   reservoirs of Shuntuoguole Low Uplift, Tarim Basin: Implication for the   evaluation on thermal maturity, secondary alteration and source   characteristics. Marine and Petroleum Geology 117 (2020) 104388.   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104388

[15]     陈中红*, 张平, 柴智, 隋明阳.原油中硫代金刚烷的分析鉴定和地球化学应用.地球科学与环境学报,   2020,42(2):143-158.

[16]     马遵敬*, 陈中红, 吴洛菲, 谢英刚, 刘喜杰, 李辉. 哈拉阿拉特山西部地区生物降解原油地球化学特征及来源分析. 地球化学, 2020,   49(5):549-562.

[17]     Li Yi, Zhen Liu, Zhonghong Chen*, Mingpeng Li. Thermal maturity, source   characteristics, and migration directions for the Ordovician oil in the   Central Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin: Insight from biomarker geochemistry.   Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Volume 189, 2020   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.106975

[18]     Cheng, B. *, Liu, H., Cao, Z., Wu, X., Chen, Z.H., Origin of deep oil   accumulations in carbonate reservoirs within the north Tarim Basin: Insights   from molecular and isotopic compositions, Organic Geochemistry (2019), doi:   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2019.103931.

[19]     Linye Zhang*, Zhonghong Chen, Zheng Li, Shouchun Zhang, Juyuan Li, Qing Liu,   Rifang Zhu, Jingong Zhang, and Youshu Bao, 2019. Structural features and   genesis of microscopic pores in lacustrine shale in an oil window: A case   study of the Dongying depression. AAPG Bulletin 103, no. 8 (August 2019), pp.   1889–1924

[20]     Chen, Z.H.*, Chai, Z., Cao,   Y.C., Liu, Q., Zhang, S.C., Yuan, G.H., 2019. Suppression of thermal maturity   indicators in lacustrine source rocks: A case study of Dongying Depression,   eastern China.Marine and   Petroleum Geology 109, 108–127.

[21]     Yuan G.H. *, Cao Y.C., Zan, N.M., Schulz,   H.M., Gluyas, J., Hao, F., Jin, Q., Liu, K.Y., Wang, Y.Z., Chen, Z.H., Jia, Z.Z., 2019. Coupled   mineral alteration and oil degradation in thermal oil-water-feldspar systems   and implications for organic-inorganic interactions in hydrocarbon   reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 248, 61-87

[22]     Ni, Z.Y., Chen, Z.H., Li, M.J., Yang, C.Y., Wen, L., Homh, H.T., Luo, B.,   2018. Trace element characterization of bitumen constraints on the   hydrocarbon source of the giant gas field in Sichuan Basin, South China.   Geological Journal,1–13.

[23]     Chen Z.H.*, Wang,T.-G. Li, M.J.*,   Yang, F.L., Cheng, B. 2018. Biomarker geochemistry of crude oils and Lower   Paleozoic source rocks in the Tarim Basin, western China: An oil-source rock   correlation study.      Marine and   Petroleum Geology, 96:94-112.

[24]     Chen Z.H.*, Simoneit,   B.R.T., Wang, T.G., Ni, Z.Y., Yuan, G.H., 2018. Molecular markers, carbon   isotopes, and rare earth elements of highly mature reservoir pyrobitumens   from Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for PreCambrian-Lower   Cambrian petroleum systems     Precambrian   Research 317, 33-56

[25]     Chen Z.H.*, Jian, W.B.,   Zhagn, L.Y., Zha, M., 2018. Organic matter, mineral composition, pore size,   and gas sorption capacity of lacustrine mudstones Implications for the shale   oil and gas exploration in the Dongying depression.AAPG Bulletin, v. 102, no. 8, pp. 1565–1600.

[26]     Chen Z.H*., 2018.   Biomarker signatures of Sinian bitumens in the Moxi–Gaoshiti Bulge of Sichuan   Basin, China: Geological significance for paleo-oil reservoirs: Reply.   Precambrian Research 314, 94-112.

[27]     Cheng, B*., Chen Z.H*., Chen,   T., Yang, C.Y., Wang, T-G, 2018. Biomarker signatures of the Ediacaran–Early   Cambrian origin petroleum from the central Sichuan Basin, South China:   Implications for source rock characteristics.Marine and Petroleum Geology 96, 577–590.

[28]   Yang, C.Y., Ni, Z.Y., Li, M.J.*., Wang, T_G., Chen, Z.H., Hong, H.T., Tian,   X.W., 2018. Pyrobitumen in South China: Organic petrology, chemical   composition and geological significance. International Journal of Coal   Geology 188 (2018) 51–63. 5/7

[29]     Yang, C.Y., Ni,   Z.Y.*, Wang, T_G., Chen, Z.H., Hong, H.T., Long,   W., Luo, B., Wang, W.Z., 2018.A new genetic   mechanism of natural gas accumulation. Scientific Reports 8: 8336 |   DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26517-y.

[30]     Cheng, B. *, Tan, W.J., Wu, Z.P., Chen,   Z.H., 2018. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in solid reservoir bitumen   from the central Sichuan Basin.Petroleum Science and Technology   36(12),  875-881.

[31]     Chen Z.H*., Simoneit, B.R.T., Wang, T.G.,   Yang, Y.M., Ni, z.y., Cheng, B., Luo, B., Yang, C.Y., Chen, T. Biomarker   signatures of Sinian bitumens in the Moxi–Gaoshiti Bulge of Sichuan Basin,   China: Geological significance for paleo-oil reservoirs. Precambrian Research   296 (2017) 1–19

[32]     Chen Z.H*, Yang, Y.M., Wang, T.G., Cheng, B.,   Li, M.J., Luo, B., Chen, Y., Ni, Z.Y., Yang, C.Y., Chen , T., Fang, R.H., Wang,   M. Dibenzothiophenes in solid bitumens: Use of molecular markers to trace   paleo-oil filling orientations in the Lower Cambrian reservoir of the   Moxi–Gaoshiti Bulge, Sichuan Basin, southern China. Organic Geochemistry 108   (2017) 94–112.

[33]      Chen Z.H*., Wang, X.Y., Wang, X.L., Zhang,   Y.Q., Yang, D.S., Tang, Y. Characteristics and petroleum origin of the   Carboniferous volcanic rock reservoirs in the Shixi Bulge of Junggar Basin,   western China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 80, 517-537.

[34]   Yuan, G.H.*, Cao, Y.C., Qiu, L.W., Chen, Z.H., 2017.   Genetic mechanism of high-quality reservoirs in Permian tight fan delta   conglomerates at the northwestern margin of the Junggar Basin, northwestern   China. AAPG Bulletin. AAPG Bulletin, V. 101, No. 12, p. 1995-2019. 4/4.

[35]   Ni, Z.Y.*, Wang, T_G., Li, M.J., Chen, Z.H., Ou,   G.X., Cao, Z.C., 2017. Natural gas characteristics, fluid evolution, and gas   charging time of the Ordovician reservoirs in the Shuntuoguole region, Tarim   Basin, NW China. Geological Journal 53, 1–13. 4/6

[36]     Chen Z.H*., Simoneit, B.R.T., Wag, T.G.,   Huang, W., Yan, D.T., Ni, Z.Y., Liu, K.Y. Effects of high temperatures on   biomarker ratios during oil-to-gas cracking experiments at two pressures.   Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 101,108-131.

[37]     Chen Z.H*.,Wang, X.L., Zha, M., Zhang, Y.Q.,   Cao, Y.C., Yang, D.S., Wu, K.Y., Chen, Y., Yuan, G.H. Characteristics and   Formation mechanisms of large volcanic rock oil reservoirs: A case study of   the Carboniferous rocks in the Kebai Fault zone of Junggar Basin. AAPG   Bulletin, 2016, 100(10), 1585-1617.

[38]     Chen Z.H*., Huang, W., Liu, Q., Zhang, L.Y.,   Zhang, S.C. Geochemical characteristics of the Paleogene shales in the   Dongying Depression, eastern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 73:   249-270. 

[39]     Chen Z.H*., Zha, M., Liu, K.Y., Zhang, Y.Q.,   Yang, D.S., Tang, Y., Wu, K.Y., Chen, Y. Origin and accumulation mechanisms   of petroleum in the Carboniferous volcanic rocks of the Kebai Fault zone,   Western Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2016,127,   170-196.

[40]     Chen Z H*., Liu, W., Zhang, Y., Yan, D.T.,   Yang, D.S., Zha, M., Li, L. Characterization of the paleocrusts of weathered   carboniferous volcanics from the Junggar Basin, western China: Significance   as gas reservoirs. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2016, 77, 216-234.

[41]     Chen Z H*, Cao Y C, Wang X L., Qiu L W., Tang   Y. Oil origin and accumulation in the Paleozoic Chepaizi–Xinguang   field, Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 115 (2016) 1–15.   

[42]   Cheng, B*., Wang, T-G, Chen Z.H., Chang, X.C., Yang, F.L., 2016.Biodegradation and possible source of Silurian and   Carboniferous reservoir bitumens from the Halahatang sub-depression, Tarim   Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 236-246.

[43]     Chen, Z.H*, Wang, TG, Liu Q, Zhang SC., Zhang L.Y. Quantitative evaluation   of potential organic-matter porosity and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion   from mudstone in continental lake basins: A case study of Dongying sag,   eastern China, Marine and Petroleum Geology 66 (2015) 906-926.   

[44]     Chen Z H*, Wang T.-G., Yan D T. Changes in   Concentration and Distribution of Biomarkers in Biodegraded Oils from   Dongying Depression, China. Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2015) 177:713–73.

[45]   Chen Z   H*, Huang W, Sun T K, Wang X Y, Chen Z Q.   Prediction of element and clay mineral content in lacustrine mudstone using   logging data: an example from Dongying Depression. Aata Geologica Sinica   (English Edition), 2015, 89, 378-382.

[46]   Yan, D.T. *, Wang, H., Fu, Q.L., Chen, Z.H., He,   J., Gao, Z., 2015.Organic matter accumulation of Late Ordovician sediments in   North Guizhou Province, China: Sulfur isotope and trace element evidences.   Marine and Petroleum Geology 59,348-358.

[47]   Yan, D.T. *, Wang, H., Fu, Q.L., Chen, Z.H., He,   J., Gao, Z., 2015.Geochemical characteristics in the Longmaxi Formation   (Early Silurian) of South China: Implications for organic matter   accumulation. Marine and Petroleum Geology 65, 290-301.

[48]   Chen Z   H*, Ma Z J, Zha M, Sha X Y, Zhang S C. The effects   of high pressure on oil-to-gas cracking during laboratory simulation   experiments. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2014, 37, 2, 143-162.

[49]     Chen Z H*, Cao   Y C, Ma Z J, Jiang W B. Geochemistry and origins of natural gases in the   Zhongguai area of Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and   Engineering, 2014, 119:17-27.

[50]   Chen Z H*, Zhang S C, Zha M. Geochemical evolution during   cracking of crude oil into gas under different pressure systems. Science   China: Earth Sciences,2014,573: 480–490.

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