»姓名:韩同城 | »系属:测井系 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称:教授 | |
»专业:地质资源与地质工程 | »导师类别:博士生导师 | |
»电子邮箱:hantc@upc.edu.cn | ||
»通讯地址:beat365官网手机中文版(华东)beat365官网手机中文版 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 岩石物理学 岩石与沉积物的声电联合性质
◎教育经历 2007.10-2010.11,英国南安普顿大学,地球物理学,博士 2005.09-2007.09,中国海洋大学,地球探测与信息技术,硕博连读研究生 2001.09-2005.06,中国海洋大学,勘查技术与工程,学士
◎工作经历 2017.05至今,beat365官网手机中文版(华东),beat365官网手机中文版,教授 2013.10-2017.05,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO),能源所,研究员 2010.12-2013.09,国家海洋局第一海洋研究所,海洋地质与地球物理,助理研究员
◎学术兼职 《Geophysical Prospecting》副主编 《石油勘探与开发》编委 《中国煤炭地质》编委
◎承担项目 山东省杰出青年基金,岩石物理学,2022.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于物理模型的裂缝性致密砂岩声电联合性质研究,2022.01-2025.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于声电联合性质的储层砂岩饱和度定量表征研究,2019.01-2022.12 国家青年特聘专家项目科研启动经费,2017.05-2020.05 自主创新科研计划项目,含裂隙砂岩声电联合性质研究,2018.10-2020.12
◎获奖情况 中国地球物理学会“傅承义青年科技奖” 山东省人民政府“山东省留学人员回国创业奖”
◎荣誉称号 国家青年特聘专家 青岛西海岸新区第三批顶尖人才
◎论文(第一和通讯作者) 1. Han T.*, Yan H., Fu L.-Y., Xu D., 2022, Effective medium modeling of the joint elastic-electrical properties of sandstones with partial water saturation, Geophysics, 87(3): MR129-MR137. 2. Han T.*, Yan H., Fu L.-Y., Li F., 2022, Applicability of cross-property differential effective medium model to the joint elastic-electrical properties of reservoir sandstones, Geophysical Prospecting, 10.1111/1365-2478.13233 3. Han T.*, Yan H., Li B., Fu L.-Y., 2022, Pressure dependent joint elastic-electrical properties in brine-saturated artificial sandstones with aligned penny-shaped cracks – Part I: Experimental results, Geophysical Journal International, 228: 1071-1082. 4. Yan H., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., Li B., 2022, Pressure dependent joint elastic-electrical properties in brine-saturated artificial sandstones with aligned penny-shaped cracks – Part II: Theoretical modelling, Geophysical Journal International, 228: 1083-1097. 5. Bao H., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., 2022, Dielectric properties of porous rocks with partially saturated fractures from finite-difference modeling, Geophysics,10.1190/geo2022-0041.1 6. Li B., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., Yan H., 2022, Pressure effects on the anisotropic electrical conductivity of artificial porous rocks with aligned fractures, Geophysical Prospecting, 70: 790-800. 7. Wang X., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., 2022, Anisotropic elastic properties of montmorillonite with different layer charge densities and layer charge distributions through molecular dynamic simulation, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 854816. 8. 徐登辉, 韩同城*, 符力耘, 2022, 背景为各向异性的含裂缝岩石频散和衰减计算方法研究, 地球物理学报,10.6038/cjg2022P0900. 9. Han T.*, Yu H., Fu L.-Y., 2021, Correlations between the static and anisotropic dynamic elastic properties of lacustrine shales under triaxial stress: Examples from the Ordos Basin, China, Geophysics, 86(4):MR191-MR202. 10.Han T.*, Liu S., Fu L.-Y., Yan H., 2021, Understanding how overpressure affects the physical properties of sandstones, Geophysics, 86(4):MR203-MR210. 11.Han T.*, Yan H., Fu L.-Y., 2021, A quantitative interpretation of the saturation exponent in Archie’s equations, Petroleum Science, 18: 444-449. 12.Liu S., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., 2021, Laboratory investigations of acoustic anisotropy in artificial porous rock with aligned fractures during gas hydrate formation and dissociation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126: e2021JB021678. 13.Liu S., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., 2021, Distribution of gas hydrate in fractured reservoirs: insights from anisotropic seismic measurements, Science China Earth Sciences, 64(5): 744-752. 14.Xu D., Han T.*, Fu F.-Y., 2021,Seismic dispersion and attenuation in layered porous rocks with fractures of varying orientations, Geophysical Prospecting, 69: 220-235. 15.Xu D., Han T.*, Fu F.-Y., 2021,Frequency-dependent seismic properties in layered and fractured rocks with partial saturation, Geophysical Prospecting, 69: 1716-1732. 16.任舒波, 韩同城*,符力耘, 颜韩, 2021, 压力对含裂缝岩石各向异性速度的影响研究, 地球物理学报, 64(7): 2504-2514. 17.包宏帅, 韩同城*, 符力耘, 2021, 基于二维图像的数字岩心电导率计算方法研究, 地球物理学报, 64(5): 1733-1744. 18.Han T.*, Yan H., Xu D., Fu L.-Y., 2020, Theoretical correlations between the elastic and electrical properties in layered porous rocks with cracks of varying orientations, Earth-Science Reviews, 211: 103420. 19.Han T.*, Gurevich B., Fu L.-Y., Qi Q., Wei J., Chen X., 2020, Combined effects of pressure and water saturation on the seismic anisotropy in artificial porous sandstone with aligned fractures, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125: e2019JB019091. 20.Han T.*, Liu S., Xu D., Fu L.-Y., 2020, Pressure-dependent cross-property relationships between elastic and electrical properties of partially saturated porous sandstones, Geophysics, 85: MR107-MR115. 21.Han T.*, Wei Z., Li F., 2020, How the effective pore and grain shapes are correlated in Berea sandstones: Implications for joint elastic-electrical modeling, Geophysics, 85: MR147-MR154. 22.Han T.*, Wei Z., Fu L.-Y., 2020, Cementation exponent as a geometric factor for the elastic properties of granular rocks, Geophysics, 85: MR341-MR349. 23.Yan H., Han T.*, Fu L.-Y., 2020, Theoretical models for the effective electrical conductivity of transversely isotropic rocks with inclined penny-shaped cracks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125: e2020JB020371. 24.Xu D., Han T.*, Liu S., Fu F.-Y., 2020,Effects of randomly orienting penny-shaped cracks on the elastic properties of transversely isotropic rocks, Geophysics, 85: MR325-MR340. 25.Liu S., Han T.*, Hu G., Bu Q., 2020, Dielectric behaviors of marine sediments for reliable estimation of gas hydrate saturation based on numerical simulation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 73: 103065. 26.任舒波,韩同城*,符力耘,2020,不同压力下部分饱和砂岩纵波衰减的理论及实验研究,地球物理学报,63: 2722-2736. 27.李博,韩同城*,符力耘,2020,基于数字岩芯的含裂隙储层砂岩介电性质研究,地球物理学报,63: 4578-4591. 28.Han T.*, Xu D., Fu L.-Y., Li F., 2019, The role of spheroidal inclusions on the electrical anisotropy of transversely isotropic rocks, Geophysical Journal International, 218: 508-518. 29.Han T.*, Yang S., 2019, Dielectric properties of fractured carbonate rocks from finite-difference modeling, Geophysics, 84(1): M37-M44. 30.Han T.*, Josh M., Liu H., 2019, Effects of aligned fractures on the dielectric properties of synthetic porous sandstones, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 172: 436-442. 31.Guo J.*, Han T.*, Fu L.Y., Xu D., Fang X., 2019, Effective elastic properties of rocks with transversely isotropic background permeated by aligned penny-shaped cracks, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124: 2018JB016412. 32.Han T.*, Beloborodov R., Pervukhina M., Josh M., Cui Y., Zhi P., 2018, Theoretical modeling of dielectric properties of artificial shales, Geofluids: 1-12. 33.Han T.*, 2018, An effective medium approach to modelling the pressure dependent electrical properties of porous rocks, Geophysical Journal International, 214: 70-78. 34.Han T.*, 2018, Joint elastic-electrical properties of artificial porous sandstone with aligned fractures, Geophysical Research Letters, 45: 3051-3058. 35.Han T.*, Liu B., Sun J., 2018, Validating the theoretical model for squirt-flow attenuation in fluid saturated porous rocks based on the dual porosity concept, Geophysical Journal International, 217: 1800-1807. 36.Han T.*, Yang Y.S., 2018, Numerical and theoretical simulations of the dielectric properties of porous rocks, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159: 186-192. 37.Yu H.*, Wang Z., Rezaee R., Zhang Y., Han T.*, et al., 2018, Porosity estimation in kerogen-bearing shale gas reservoirs, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 52: 575-581. 38.Han T., Pervukhina M., Clennell M.B., Dewhurst D.N., 2017, Model based pore pressure prediction in shales: An example from the Gulf of Mexico, North America, Geophysics, 82: M37-M42. 39.Han T.*, Clennell M.B., Pervukhina M., Josh M., 2016, Saturation effects on the joint elastic-dielectric properties of carbonates, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129: 36-40. 40.Han T., Clennell M.B., Cheng A.C.H., Pervukhina M., 2016, Are self-consistent models capable of jointly modeling elastic velocity and electrical conductivity of reservoir sandstones?, Geophysics, 81: D377-D382. 41.Han T.*, Gurevich B., Pervukhina M., Clennell M.B., 2016, Linking the pressure dependency of elastic and electrical properties of porous rocks by a dual porosity model, Geophysical Journal International, 205: 378-388. 42.Han T.*, 2016, A simple way to model the pressure dependency of rock velocity, Tectonophysics, 675: 1-6. 43.Han T.*, Best A.I., Sothcott J., North L.J., MacGregor L.M., 2015, Relationships among low frequency (2 Hz) electrical resistivity, porosity, clay content and permeability in reservoir sandstones, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 112: 279-289. 44.Han T.*, Clennell M.B., Pervukhina M., 2015, Modelling the low-frequency electrical properties of pyrite-bearing reservoir sandstones, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 68: 341-351. 45.Han T., Clennell M.B., Josh M., Pervukhina M., 2015, Determination of effective grain geometry for electrical modeling of sedimentary rocks, Geophysics, 80: D319-D327. 46.Han T.*, Liu B., Kan G., Meng X., Ding Z., 2012, Joint elastic-electrical properties of sediments in the Yellow Sea, Science China Earth Sciences, 55: 143-148. 47.Han T.*, Best A.I., Sothcott J., MacGregor L.M., 2011, Pressure effects on the joint elastic-electrical properties of reservoir sandstones, Geophysical Prospecting, 59: 506-517. 48.Han T.*, Best A.I., Sothcott J., MacGregor L.M., 2011, Joint elastic-electrical properties of reservoir sandstones and their relationships with petrophysical parameters, Geophysical Prospecting, 59: 518-535. 49.Han T.*, Best A.I., MacGregor L.M., Sothcott J., Minshull T.A., 2011, Joint elastic-electrical effective medium models of reservoir sandstones, Geophysical Prospecting, 59: 777-786.