


作者: 发布者:伏健 责任编辑: 发布时间:2020-08-10 浏览次数:19615







»电子邮箱:jidong.yang@upc.edu.cn »科研主页:https://seislabupc.cn




1、勘探地震学(Exploration seismology):

ª  复杂介质(弹性、粘滞性、各向异性)正演模拟与地震波传播机理研究;

ª  高斯束偏移、逆时偏移、多波多分量偏移与最小二乘反演成像;

ª  人工智能辅助数据处理、偏移成像和速度建模;

ª  全波形反演参数建模理论及算法研发;

ª  微地震和压裂定位及监测;

ª  光纤数据处理、建模和成像。

2、天然地震学(Earthquake seismology):

ª  高精度地震破裂成像及震源机制研究;

ª  地壳地幔尺度主/被动源结构成像。

3、计算地震学(Computational seismology):

ª  高效并行地震成像与反演软件研发;

ª  多源跨尺度地震反演成像软件研发。




















2023-2025年:《Journal of Geophysics and   Engineering》青年编委

2023-2024年:《Fractal and Fractional》客座副主编

2023年:《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》客座副主编


2022-2024年:《Petroleum Science》青年编委


2021-2024年:《Frontiers in Earth Science》客座副主编





2018-至今:EPSL, GRL, Geophysical Journal International, Geophysics, IEEE TGRS, Surveys   in Geophysics, Petrol. Science and Engineering, Computer & Geosciences,   Geophysical Prospecting, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Exploration Geophysics10余本杂志审稿人

2017/12-2018/12UT-Dallas SEG 分会副主席


2024年,国际勘探地球物理学家学会(SEG),J. Clarence Karcher青年科学家奖






2021年,美国德克萨斯州大学达拉斯分校,Best Dissertation Award



2018, 2019年,美国勘探地球物理协会,SEG/Anadarko奖学金





《复杂介质高斯束偏移成像方法及应用》,beat365官网手机中文版出版社(ISBN: 978-7-5636-4840-5),2015,排名第3/4


























[1]      Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Zhao, Z., Huang, J., Lumley, D., Stern, R.J., Dunn, R.A., Arnulf, A.F. and   Ma, J., 2024. Asymmetric magma plumbing system beneath Axial Seamount based   on full waveform inversion of seismic data. Nature Communications,   15(1), p.4767.

[2]      Yang, J., Qin, S.,   Huang, J., Zhu, H., Lumley, D., McMechan, G., Sun, J. and Zhang, H., 2024.   Truncated pseudo-differential operator √−2 and its applications in   viscoacoustic reverse-time migration. Geophysical Journal International,   237(3), pp.1794-1807.

[3]      Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Zhang, H., Sun, J., Zhu, H. and McMechan, G., 2024. Low-rank Representation   for Seismic Reflectivity and its Applications in Least-squares Imaging. Surveys   in Geophysics, pp.1-42.

[4]      Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Lin, T., Li, Z. and Chen, L., 2024. High-precision seismic imaging for   complex deep structures in the hydrocarbon exploration using a   coherent-stacking-based least-squares migration. AAPG Bulletin,   108(7), pp.1411-1439.

[5]      Zhao, C., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Qin, N., Yang, F. and Sun, J., 2024. Image-domain   least-squares imaging in an elastic vertically transversely isotropic medium:   Multiparameter point-spread function deconvolution. Geophysics,   89(5), pp.S379-S390.

[6]      杨继东,孙加星,黄建平,.面向断溶体缝洞储层的智能化散射波地震成像方. beat365官网手机中文版学报(自然科学版), 2024, 48 (02):   67-73.

[7]      Qin, S., Yang,   J.*, Qin, N., Huang, J. and Tian, K., 2024. Quasi-P-Wave Reverse Time   Migration in TTI Media with a Generalized Fractional Convolution Stencil. Fractal   and Fractional, 8(3), p.174.

[8]      Qin, S., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Tian, Y., Zhang, H. and Zhao, Y., 2024. Pure quasi-P-wave   modeling and imaging using an approximated space-domain pseudo-differential   operator in the VTI media. Geophysics, 89(5), pp.1-44.

[9]      H. Zhang, J.   Yang*, J. Huang and W. Wang, 2024, An Adaptive Time-Frequency Denoising   Method for Suppressing Source-Related Seismic Strong Noise, IEEE   Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, pp. 1-10.

[10]   W. Wang, J.   Yang*, Z. Li, J. Huang and C. Zhao, 2024, Seismic Data Denoising Using a   New Framework of FABEMD-Based Dictionary Learning, IEEE Transactions on   Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, pp. 1-9.

[11]   Wang, W., Yang,   J.*, Qin, N., Li, Z., Huang, J. and Shan, T., 2024. An Adaptive   High-Dimensional Progressive Denoising Method for Seismic Weak Signal   Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

[12]   Wang, P., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Sun, J. and Tian, Y., 2024. Acoustic and Elastic   Reverse-Time Migration with an Angle-Related Imaging Condition for Imaging   Steeply-Dipping Structures. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote   Sensing.

[13]   杨继东, 于由财, 刘朋, . 面向深层干热岩体的全波形速度反演建模方法. beat365官网手机中文版学报(自然科学版), 2024, 48(01):   70-76.

[14]   Kevin, Z., Yang,   J.*, Djieto Lordon, A.E. et al. Integrated geophysical exploration, water   quality mapping and salinization of the coastal aquifers in Bonaberi, Douala,   Cameroon. Acta Geophys. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11600-024-01389-1

[15]   Kevin,   Z.D.M., Yang, J.*, Djieto Lordon, A.E., Huang, J., Perabi, C.J.P.,   Rapheal, O., Dirane, K.N.J. and Ahmed, M.N.M., 2024. Geoelectrical and   seismoelectric mapping of subsurface pollution in a closed landfill near the   Tongo Bassa and Ngongue river, Douala Cameroon. Frontiers in Earth   Science, 12, p.1400283.

[16]   Wang, P., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Sun, J. and Zhao, C., 2024. Consistency of the inverse   scattering imaging condition, the energy norm imaging condition and the   impedance kernel in acoustic and elastic reverse-time migration. Journal   of Geophysics and Engineering, 21(2), pp.614-633.

[17]   J. Sun, J.   Yang*, J. Huang, C. Zhao, Y. Yu and X. Chen, 2024, PsfDeconNet:   High-Resolution Seismic Imaging Using Point-Spread Function Deconvolution   With Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience   and Remote Sensing, 62, pp.1-9.

[18]   Sun, J., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Yu, Y., Li, Z. and Zhao, C., 2023. LsmGANs: Image-Domain   Least-Squares Migration Using a New Framework of Generative Adversarial   Networks. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,   61, p.3304726.

[19]   Yu, Y., Yang,   J.*, Huang, J., Wang, W., Qin, S. and Li, Z., 2023. Full Waveform   Inversion Using a High-Dimensional Local-Coherence Misfit Function. IEEE   Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, pp.1-8.

[20]   Sun J, Yang   J*, Huang J, Qin S, Chen X, Yu Y. Multitask Deep Learning for   Least-Squares Imaging: Seismic Reflectivity Inversion and Quantitative Error   Analysis. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 2023, 20:3323345.

[21]   祝贺君, 刘沁雅, 杨继东., 2023. 地震学全波形反演进展. 地球与行星物理论评, 54(3),   287-317.

[22]   Sun, J., Yang, J.*, Li, Z., Huang,   J., Luo, X., Xu, J., 2023. Intelligent AVA Inversion Using a Convolution   Neural Network Trained with Pseudo-Well Datasets. Surveys in Geophysics,   1-31.

[23]   Hu, Z., Yang, J.*, Han, L., Huang,   J., Qin, S., Sun, J., Yu, Y., 2023. Modeling seismic wave propagation in the   Loess Plateau using a viscoacoustic wave equation with explicitly expressed   quality factor. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 1069166.

[24]   Wang, W., Yang, J.*,   Huang, J., Li, Z., & Sun, M., 2023. Outlier   Denoising Using a Novel Statistics-Based Mask Strategy for Compressive   Sensing. Remote Sensing, 15(2), 447.

[25]   Sun, J., Yang, J.*, Li, Z., Huang,   J., Xu, J., Zhuang, S., 2023. Reflection and diffraction separation in the   dip-angle common-image gathers using convolutional neural network. Geophysics,   88(1), WA281-WA291.

[26]   Tian, Y., Yang, J.*, Li, Z., Huang,   J., Qin, S., 2023. Hierarchical wave-mode separation in the poroelastic   medium using eigenform analysis. Geophysics, 88(1), T33-T44.

[27]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Zhu, H., McMechan, G. and Li, Z., 2022. An Efficient and Stable   High‐Resolution Seismic Imaging Method: Point‐Spread Function Deconvolution. Journal   of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(7), p.e2021JB023281.

[28]   Luo, B.,   Zhu, H., Yang, J., Lay, T., Ye,   L., Lu, Z., Lumley, D., 2022. Detecting and Locating Aftershocks for the 2020   Mw 6.5 Stanley, Idaho,   Earthquake Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Seismological Society of   America, 93(6), 3266-3277.

[29]   Yang, J., Huang, J., Xu, J. and Zhao, Y., 2022. Quantitative error analysis for   the least-squares imaging. IEEE Transactions   on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, pp.1-10.

[30]   Yang, J., Xu, J.,   Huang, J., Yu, Y., Sun, J., 2022. The connection of velocity and impedance   sensitivity kernels with scattering-angle filtering and its application in   full waveform inversion. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10,   961750.

[31]   Yang, J.,Huang, J., Zhu, H.,   McMechan, G., Li, Z., 2022. Introduction to a Two‐Way Beam Wave   Method and Its Applications in Seismic Imaging. Journal of Geophysical   Research: Solid Earth, 127(6), e2021JB023357.

[32]   Zhang, D.,   Huang, J., Yang, J., Li, Z.C., Zhuang, S.B. and Li, Q.Y., 2022. A fast   space-time-domain Gaussian beam migration approach using the dominant   frequency approximation. Petroleum Science, 19(4),   pp.1555-1565.

[33]   Zhuang, S.,   Huang, J., Yang, J. and Li, Z.C., 2022. A computational method for   wide-azimuth 3D dip-angle gathers using Gaussian beam migration. Petroleum   Science, 19(5), pp.2081-2094.

[34]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Lay, T., Niu, Y., Ye, L., Lu, Z., Luo, B., Kanamori, H., Huang, J. and Li,   Z., 2021. Multi-fault opposing‐dip strike‐slip and normal‐fault rupture   during the 2020 Mw 6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake. Geophysical Research   Letters,48(10),   e2021GL09251.

[35]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Zhu, H., McMechan, G., Zhang, J., Hu, C. and Zhao, Y., 2021. Mitigating   Velocity Errors in Least-Squares Imaging Using Angle-Dependent Forward and   Adjoint Gaussian Beam Operators. Surveys in Geophysics,   pp.1-42.

[36]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Zhu, H., McMechan, G.A. and Luo, X., 2021. Approximating the   Gauss-Newton Hessian Using a Space-Wavenumber Filter and its Applications in   Least-Squares Seismic Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and   Remote Sensing, 60, pp.1-13.

[37]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Zhu, H., Li, Z. and Dai, N., 2021. Viscoacoustic reverse time migration with a   robust space-wavenumber domain attenuation compensation operator. Geophysics,   86(5), pp.S339-S353.

[38]   Yang, J., Zhu, H., Li, X.,   Ren, L. and Zhang, S., 2020. Estimating P Wave Velocity and   Attenuation Structures Using Full Waveform Inversion Based on a Time Domain   Complex‐Valued Viscoacoustic Wave Equation: The Method. Journal of   Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(6), p.e2019JB019129.

[39]   Zhu, H.,   Stern, R. and Yang, J., 2020. Seismic evidence for subduction-induced   mantle flows underneath Middle America. Nature Communications,   11(1), pp.1-12.

[40]   Zhu, H., Li,   X., Yang, J., Stern, R.J. and Lumley, D.E., 2020. Poloidal‐and   Toroidal‐Mode Mantle Flows Underneath the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Geophysical   Research Letters, 47(14), p.e2020GL087530.

[41]   Zhu, H., Yang,   J. and Li, X., 2020. Azimuthal anisotropy of the North American upper   mantle based on full waveform inversion. Journal of Geophysical   Research: Solid Earth, 125(2), p.e2019JB018432.

[42]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.   and Lumley, D., 2020. Time‐Lapse Imaging of Coseismic Ruptures for the 2019   Ridgecrest Earthquakes Using Multiazimuth Backprojection With Regional   Seismic Data and a 3‐D Crustal Velocity Model. Geophysical Research Letters,   47(9), p.e2020GL087181.

[43]   Yang, J., Hua, B.,   Williamson, P., Zhu, H., McMechan, G. and Huang, J., 2020. Elastic   Least-Squares Imaging in Tilted Transversely Isotropic Media for   Multicomponent Land and Pressure Marine Data. Surveys in Geophysics,   pp.1-29.

[44]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   McMechan, G., Zhang, H. and Zhao, Y., 2019. Elastic least-squares reverse   time migration in vertical transverse isotropic media. Geophysics,   84(6), pp.S539-S553.

[45]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2019. Viscoacoustic least-squares reverse time migration using a   time-domain complex-valued wave equation. Geophysics, 84(5),   pp.S479-S499.

[46]   Yang, J., Zhang, H., Zhao,   Y. and Zhu, H., 2019. Elastic wavefield separation in   anisotropic media based on eigenform analysis and its application in   reverse-time migration. Geophysical Journal International,   217(2), pp.1290-1313.

[47]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2019. Locating and monitoring microseismicity, hydraulic fracture and   earthquake rupture using elastic time-reversal imaging. Geophysical   Journal International, 216(1), pp.726-744.

[48]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. Viscoacoustic reverse time migration using a time-domain   complex-valued wave equation. Geophysics, 83(6), pp.S505-S519.

[49]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. A time-domain complex-valued wave equation for modelling   visco-acoustic wave propagation. Geophysical journal international,   215(2), pp.1064-1079.

[50]   Yang, J., Zhu, H., Wang,   W., Zhao, Y. and Zhang, H., 2018. Isotropic   elastic reverse time migration using the phase-and amplitude-corrected vector   P-and S-wavefields. Geophysics, 83(6), pp.S489-S503.

[51]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   McMechan, G. and Yue, Y., 2018. Time-domain least-squares migration using the   Gaussian beam summation method. Geophysical Journal International,   214(1), pp.548-572.

[52]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Huang, J. and Li, Z., 2018. 2D isotropic elastic Gaussian-beam migration for   common-shot multicomponent records. Geophysics, 83(2),   pp.S127-S140.

[53]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. A practical data-driven optimization strategy for Gaussian beam   migration. Geophysics, 83(1), pp.S81-S92.

[54]   杨继东, 黄建平, 李振春, 王欣, 2016. 基于匹配追踪稀疏分解的高斯束成像方法. 地球物理学进展, (3),   pp.1237-1245.

[55]   黄建平, 杨继东*, 李振春, 李辉峰, 2016. 基于有效邻域波场近似的起伏地表保幅高斯束偏移. 地球物理学报, 59(6),   pp.2245-2256.

[56]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2015. An amplitude-preserved adaptive focused beam   seismic migration method. Petroleum Science, 12(3), pp.417-427.

[57]   杨继东, 黄建平, 王欣, 李振春, 段心意, 2015. 复杂地表条件下叠前菲涅尔束偏移方法. 地球物理学报, 58(10),   pp.3758-3770.

[58]   杨继东, 黄建平, 吴建文, 王欣, 李振春, 2015. 不同地震波束构建格林函数的精度影响因素分析. 石油地球物理勘探, 50(6),   pp.1073-1082.


[1]      Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Zhao, Z., Huang, J., Lumley, D.E., Stern, R.J., Dunn, R.A., Arnulf, A.F. and   Jianwei, M., 2024. Asymmetric magma plumbing system beneath Axial Seamount,   Juan de Fuca Ridge. AGU24.

[2]      Yang, J., Zhang, H.,   Sun, J., Huang, J., Zhu, H. and McMechan, G., 2024, Low-Rank Regularized   Least-Squares Imaging. 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Vol.   2024, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

[3]      Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Zhu, H. and McMechan, G., 2023, June. Bridging the gap between ray-based and   wave-equation methods: A new two-way beam wave equation approach. 84th EAGE   Annual Conference & Exhibition, Vol. 2023, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

[4]      Yang J, Huang J,   Zhu H, McMechan G. High-resolution imaging using Gaussian beam   point-spread-function deconvolution. SEG International Exposition and Annual   Meeting, 2023, pp. SEG-2023.

[5]      Yang, J., Xu, J. and   Huang, J., 2022, June. A Coherent-Stacking-Based Least-Squares Migration   Scheme for Imaging Deep Structures. In 83rd EAGE Annual Conference &   Exhibition, Vol. 2022, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

[6]      Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Zhu, H. and Dai, N., 2021, September. A stable space-wavenumber   attenuation compensation method for viscoacoustic reverse-time migration. In   First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, pp.   2724-2728.

[7]      Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Li, Z., Zhu, H. and McMechan, G., 2021, September. Angle-domain least-squares   Gaussian beam migration. First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience   & Energy pp. 2704-2708.

[8]      Yang, J., Hua, B.,   Williamson, P., Zhu, H., McMechan, G., Huang, J. and Li, Z., 2021, October.   Estimating Subsurface P-and S-wave Reflectivities using Elastic TTI   Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration. In 82nd EAGE Annual Conference &   Exhibition. 2021 (1), pp. 1-5.

[9]      Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Lay, T., Niu, Y., Ye, L., Lu, Z., Luo, B., Kanamori, H., Huang, J. and Li,   Z., 2021, December. Multi-fault rupture during the 2020 Mw6. 5 Stanley, Idaho   earthquake. AGU Fall Meeting.

[10]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.   and Lumley, D., 2020. Coseismic rupture process of 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake   sequence computed using regional back-projection with a 3D crustal velocity   model. AGU Fall Meeting, pp.S037-0001.

[11]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2019. Imaging earthquake rupture using elastic reverse-time migration and   its application for 2014 Mw6. 1 South Napa earthquake. AGU Fall Meeting,   pp.S31C-0517.

[12]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2019. Isotropic elastic reverse-time migration using impedance   sensitivity kernel. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4440-4444.

[13]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Zhao, Y. and Zhang, J., 2019. Elastic reverse-time migration using phase-and   amplitude-corrected vector P-and S-wavefields. SEG 2018 Workshop: SEG Seismic   Imaging Workshop, pp. 32-36.

[14]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2019. Q-compensated reverse-time migration using a new time-domain   viscoacoustic wave equation. SEG 2018 Workshop: SEG Seismic Imaging Workshop,   pp. 37-41.

[15]   Yang, J. and Zhu, H.,   2018. Locating and monitoring hydraulic fracturing and earthquake rupture   using elastic reverse-time migration. AGUFM, pp.NS31B-0746.

[16]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. Least-squares reverse time migration using the   impedance-sensitivity kernel. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.   4488-4492.

[17]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. Time-domain least-squares Gaussian beam migration with L1   regularization. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4266-4270.

[18]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. Low-frequency compensation and its application in full-waveform   inversion. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 1304-1308.

[19]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2018. A new time-domain wave equation for viscoacoustic modeling and   imaging. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 3793-3797.

[20]   Yang, J., Zhang, S.   and Zhu, H., 2017. Isotropic elastic wavefields decomposition using fast   Poisson solvers. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4716-4720.

[21]   Yang, J. and Zhu,   H., 2017. Least-squares Gaussian beam migration in time-space domain. SEG   Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4711-4715.

[22]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Huang, J. and Li, Z., 2016. Elastic Fresnel beam migration for areas with   irregular topography. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.   4351-4356.

[23]   Yang, J., Zhu, H.,   Huang, J. and Li, Z., 2016. Study of data-driven optimization strategy for   beam migration. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4316-4320.

[24]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2015. High SNR Gaussian beam migration based on matching   pursuit sparse decomposition. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.   4308-4312.

[25]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2015. Prestack depth migration method using the   time-space Gaussian beam. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.   4303-4307.

[26]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2015. Fresnel beam depth migration from the irregular   topography. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 4318-4322.

[27]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2015. Common-shot elastic Gaussian beam depth migration.   SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 2159-2164.

[28]   Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X., Li, Z. and Yang, Y., 2015. Data-driven Gaussian beam migration   based on local similarity analysis. 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition,   Volume 2015, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

[29]    Yang, J., Huang, J.,   Wang, X. and Li, Z., 2014. Amplitude-preserved Gaussian beam migration based   on wave field approximation in effective vicinity under rugged topography   condition. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp. 3852-3856