


作者: 发布者:王柳 责任编辑: 发布时间:2023-01-03 浏览次数:7852







»电子邮箱:yishen@upc.edu.cn; yishen@sep.stanford.edu; sandyshenyi@126.com



»概况:致力于地震偏移成像与模型反演,能源清洁低碳技术(包括二氧 化碳捕获利用与封存的动态监测,风能等),工程地球物理





Ø  2014.1-2017.1:美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University, CA, U.S.),地球物理专业,博士学位,导师:Biondo Biondi                                         

Ø  2010.9-2013.12: 美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University, CA, U.S.),地球物理专业,硕士学位,导师:Biondo Biondi

Ø  2006.9-2010.6:南京大学,声学专业,本科学位,导师:王新龙



Ø  2022.12-至今:beat365官网手机中文版(华东),地球物理系,教授

Ø  2017.01-2022.09:壳牌石油公司(ShellHouston, US, 地球物理研究员

Ø  2015.07-2015.09:清华大学,地球系统科学系,访问学者

Ø  2014.06-2014.9:壳牌石油公司(ShellHouston, US, 科研实习生

Ø  2017.01-2022.09:英国石油公司(BPHouston, US, 科研实习生

Ø  2017.01-2022.09:康菲石油公司(ConocoPhillipsHouston, US, 科研实习生     



·          lithosphere》杂志主编

·         Stanford Undergrad Admission Interviewer (volunteer)

·         2022-2023SEG-AAPG IMAGE 2023 Technical Program Committee (TPC) member and technical coordinator/key   contact for Student Research theme

·           2022-2023Technical committee for International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC), Bangkok, Thailand

·           2022-至今,SEG research committee member

·           2022, Technical committee for International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

·           2021, Session Chair for Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy

·           2020, 2021, SEG technical program committee member and technical coordinator/key contact of Full Waveform Inversion, Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting

·           2018, Workshop organizer for the 88th Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 2018 (Session Name: Frequency dependent seismic analysis including processing and modeling and interpretation)

·           20172018, 2020, Session Chairs for Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting

·           2012-2013, Treasurer for SEG Stanford University Student Chapter

·           Member of European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE)

·           Member Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)

·           Member grade: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 



·           2021, Shell Performance Share Plan Award

·           2020, top paper, 90th Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Annual Meeting

·           2020, Shell Performance Share Plan Award

·           2019, Shell VP Award for The Power of Technology

·           2019, Shell Special Recognitional Award (SRA) (2019, Shell)

·           2015-2016, Manus R. Foster Fellowship in Geophysics, Stanford

·           2014, Stanford Centennial Teaching Assistant Awards

·           2010-2014, The Mrs. C. J. Belani Fellowship, Stanford

·           2010, 南京大学潘雪平奖学金

·           2009,南京大学生优秀毕业生

·           2009,人民奖学金

·           2008,全国大学生数学建模竞赛一等奖甲组一等奖

·           2008,南京大学电子科学与工程系学术报告会一等奖

·           2008,国家奖学金

·           2007,国家奖学金



Ø  Chen, J., S. Hu, M. Vissinga, Y. Shen, S. Gelinsky, 2022, The role of   geophysics in offshore geotechnical site characterizations in the energy   transition era: From oil and gas to renewables, Second International Meeting   for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 3059-3060

Ø  Chen, J., M. Vissinga, Y. Shen, S. Hu, E. Beal and J. Newlin,   2021,Machine Learning Based Digital Integration of Geotechnical and   Ultra-High Frequency Geophysical Data for Offshore Site   Characterizations:  ASCE Journal of   Geotechnical and Geoenvinromental Engineering, 147 (12), 04021160

Ø  Shen, Y., K. Bao, M. Vissinga,   J. Shen and O. Rodina, 2020, A novel   wavelet extraction method from seismic data without well information: SEG   Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, P2241-2245

Ø  Wong   M., M. Kiehn, E. Duveneck, J. McCrank, V. Oropeza   Bacci, A. Babalola, T. Kühnel, R. Palmer, X. Shang, Y. Shen, and S.   Yang, 2020, Angle-dependent least-square reverse time migration for sub-salt   AVA in Gulf of Mexico: A case study, SEG Technical Program Expanded   Abstracts : P3068-3072.

Ø  Shen Y., K. Bao, D. Foster, D.   Kumar, K. Innanen, M. Chapman, W. Hu, T. Zhu, M.   Wang, B. Gurevich, R. M. Holt, and H. Zeng, 2019,   Frequency-dependent seismic analysis: Data processing, modeling, and   interpretation: The Leading Edge, Volume 38 Issue 7, 556–557

Ø  Shen, Y., S. Jin, K.   BaoH.   Kuehl,   and M. Wittmann-Hohlbein, 2019, Seismic attenuation estimation using   ray-based and wave-equation-based Q tomography: 16th International Congress   of the Brazilian Geophysical Society

Ø  Shen, Y., L. Sang, J. Chen, B. Willems, J. Newlin, O. Ruden, R.   Sarker, M. Luo, and S. Hu, 2019, Quantitative Integration of Geophysical and   Geotechnical Data for Characterization of Near Seafloor Sediments: SEG| EAGE   Workshop – Geophysical Aspects of Smart Cities, Singapore, December 10-12

Ø  Shen, Y., K. Bao, and H. Kuehl, 2018, Q   tomography with ray and waves: 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Ø  Shen, Y., B. Biondi, and R. Clapp,   2018, Q model building using one-way wave-equation migration Q analysis –   Part2: 3D field data test: Geophysics, 83(2), S111-S126.

Ø  Shen, Y., B. Biondi, and R. Clapp,   2018, Q model building using one-way wave-equation migration Q analysis –   Part1: Theory and synthetic test: Geophysics, 83(2), S93-S109.

Ø  Shen, Y., J. Dvorkin, and Y. Li, 2018,   Improving seismic Qp estimation using rock physics constraints: Geophysics,   83(3), MR187-MR198.

Ø  He, C., H. Fu,   Y. Shen, R. Clapp and   G. Yang, 2017, Approximating Q Propagations for Elastic Modeling on GPUs:   79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition

Ø  Shen, Y., J. Dvorkin, 2016, Using Rock   physics to improve Qp quantification in seismic data: SEG Technical Program   Expanded Abstracts.

Ø  Shen, Y.,C. Willacy, and V. Goh, 2015, Image-based Q tomography using   wavefield continuation in the presence of strong attenuation anomalies: A   case study in Gulf of Mexico: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts.

Ø  Shen, Y., B. Biondi, and R. Clapp,   2015, Wave-equation-based Q tomography from angle-domain common image   gathers: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts.

Ø  Shen, Y., T. Zhu, 2015, Image-based Q   tomography using reverse time Q migration: SEG Technical Program Expanded   Abstracts.

Ø  Shen, Y., J. Dvorkin, 2015, Using rock   physics to improve Qp quantification in seismic data: AGU Fall meeting

Ø  Li, Y., Y. Shen, and P. Kang, 2015,   Integration of seismic and fluid-flow data: a two-way road linked by rock   physics: 77th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Ø  Shen, Y., B. Biondi, R. Clapp, and D.   Nichols, 2014, Wave-equation migration Q analysis (WEMQA): 84th International   Annual Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts.

Ø  Shen, Y., B. Biondi, R. Clapp, and D.   Nichols, 2013, Wave-equation migration Q analysis (WEMQA): Workshop on   Seismic Attenuation, EAGE, extended abstract.

Ø  Yu, G., Y.   Zhang, Y. Shen, 2011, Nonlinear amplitude-frequency response of   a Helmholtz resonator: The Journal of Vibration and Acoustic, Volume 133,   Issue 2.

Ø  Shen, Y., Y. Gao, X. Wang, 2009, Propagation Characteristics of Sound in   a Tube Induced by the Interaction between Bandgaps: Technical Acoustics,Volume 28 (2), 2009.

Ø  Chen, H., P. Chu, Y.   Shen,2008, Positions of the Points on Photo Images: Chinese Journal of   Engineering Mathematics, Volume 25.